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小提琴家班迪克斯-巴格利的演出帶給全世界的聽眾震撼與感動。2014 年,班迪克斯 - 巴格利被聘為柏林愛樂新任的樂團首席。班迪克斯-巴格利是 2009 年布魯塞爾的伊莉沙白皇后大賽桂冠得主,2008 年他在巴黎國際隆-提博大賽獲得第三名,2011 年他奪得義大利鮑思達契尼國際小提琴大賽的首獎以及最佳巴赫詮釋獎。班迪克斯-巴格利以獨奏家的身份與匹茲堡交響樂團、法國廣播愛樂、比利時國家交響樂團、北卡羅萊納交響樂團、佛雷斯諾愛樂共同演出,也在德國、美國紐約與匹茲堡舉行獨奏會。2016 年 6 月,他與匹茲堡交響樂團演出他創作的克萊茲梅爾小提琴協奏曲。

2011-2015 年間,班迪克斯-巴格利擔任匹茲堡交響樂團的樂團首席一職,他於 2012 年 1 月在匹茲堡舉行首場小提琴獨奏會,被《匹茲堡郵報》(Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)譽為「2012 年最佳古典音樂會」;班迪克斯-巴格利與匹茲堡交響樂團合作演出的貝多芬小提琴協奏曲,採用他自己創作的華采樂段,同樣獲得美國樂評的高度讚賞。班迪克斯-巴格利也在匹茲堡海盗隊在大聯盟 2013 年球季開季第一戰,於 PNC 球場的 39000 名觀眾面前,演奏由自己改編的美國國歌《星條旗》(Star-Spangled Banner)小提琴獨奏版本。

班迪克斯-巴格利是一位熱情且相當有經驗的室內樂音樂家,他曾與米羅四重奏(Miro String Quartet)合作北美巡迴演出。2008-2011 年間,他是慕尼黑出身安洛斯四重奏(Athlos String Quartet)的第一小提琴,該團於 2009 年獲得柏林孟德爾頌室內樂大賽的特殊獎,並且巡迴歐洲演出。班迪克斯-巴格利曾經與克萊曼、巴許米特、蓋瑞・霍夫曼、艾克斯、弗格特等人合作演出,他經常參與北美與歐洲的音樂節,包括韋爾比亞音樂節、薩拉索塔(Sarasota)音樂節、克里夫蘭音樂節、內華達室內樂音樂節、克隆伯格室內樂音樂節等等。

班迪克斯-巴格利出生在美國北卡羅來納州的阿什維爾,四歲開始拉小提琴,九歲時於瑞士在曼紐因爵士面前演奏。班迪克斯-巴格利畢業於印第安那大學賈克伯音樂學校、慕尼黑高等音樂學院,向 Mauricio Fuks、Christoph Poppen、Ana Chumachenco 等人學習小提琴,空閒時間他則鍾愛猶太人特有的克萊茲梅爾音樂。班迪克斯-巴格利與世界知名的克萊茲梅爾音樂團體合作,而且在歐洲與美國開設克萊茲梅爾小提琴演奏的大師班。目前班迪克斯-巴格利手上的小提琴是貝貢齊( Carlo Bergonzi )1732 年製的克里蒙納小提琴。

Noah Bendix-Balgley has thrilled and moved audiences around the world with his performances. In 2014, he was appointed 1st Concertmaster of the Berlin Philharmonic. Noah was a Laureate of the 2009 Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels, and he won 3rd prize and a special prize for creativity at the 2008 Long-Thibaud International Competition in Paris. Noah won the 1st prize at the 2011 Vibrarte International Music Competition in Paris and was awarded 1st Prize and a special prize for best Bach interpretation at the “Andrea Postacchini” Violin Competition in Fermo, Italy. Noah has appeared as a soloist with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, the Orchestre National de Belgique, I Pomeriggi Musicali of Milan, Orchestre Royal Chambre de Wallonie (Belgium), and the Erie Philharmonic among others. Highlights of this season include recitals in Germany, New York City and Pittsburgh, and concertos with the North Carolina Symphony and Fresno Philharmonic. In June 2016, he will premiere his own Klezmer Violin Concerto with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.

From 2011 until 2015, Noah Bendix-Balgley was Concertmaster of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. His Pittsburgh debut recital in January 2012 was named the “Best Classical Concert of 2012” by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Noah’s performance with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra of the Beethoven Violin Concerto, featuring his own original cadenzas, was acclaimed by critics and audiences alike. Noah also performed his own version of The Star-Spangled Banner for solo violin in front of 39,000 fans at the 2013 Pittsburgh Pirates Opening Day at PNC Park.

Noah Bendix-Balgley is a passionate and experienced chamber musician. He has performed on North American tour with the Miro String Quartet. From 2008 to 2011, he was the 1st violinist of the Munich-based Athlos String Quartet, which won a special prize at the 2009 Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Competition in Berlin, and performed throughout Europe. He has performed with artists including Gidon Kremer, Yuri Bashmet, Gary Hoffman, Emanuel Ax, Lars Vogt, and percussionist Colin Currie. Noah has appeared at numerous festivals in Europe and North America, including the Verbier Festival, the Sarasota Festival, ChamberFest Cleveland, the Nevada Chamber Music Festival and Chamber Music Connects the World in Kronberg, Germany.

Born in Asheville, North Carolina, Noah began playing violin at age 4. At age 9, he played for Lord Yehudi Menuhin in Switzerland. Noah graduated from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music and the Munich Hochschule. His principal teachers were Mauricio Fuks, Christoph Poppen, and Ana Chumachenco. In his spare time, he enjoys playing klezmer music. He has played with world-renowned klezmer groups such as Brave Old World, and has taught klezmer violin at workshops in Europe and in the United States. He performs on a Cremonese violin made in 1732 by Carlo Bergonzi.

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