柯爾亞・布拉赫出生於柏林,四歲開始學習小提琴,15 歲前往紐約就讀茱莉亞音樂學院,師事著名的狄蕾女士(Dorothy DeLay)。布拉赫學成之後返歐,再至薩爾茲堡追隨著名的小提琴家兼指揮家桑多・魏格(Sandor Vegh),使他的小提琴技藝融合了美國與奧地利發展悠久的學派之長。布拉赫以 17 歲之齡,初次登台就與柏林德意志交響樂團合作;此後不久,布拉赫旋即於 1988 年受邀與柏林愛樂演出,開啟了這位小提琴家卓越而多彩的演奏生涯。在阿巴多任職柏林愛樂音樂總監時,布拉赫即以首席之姿率領團員參與無數經典名演,而阿巴多對其極其賞識,不只柏林愛樂,琉森音樂節、馬勒室內管弦樂團的演出中,皆常邀請布拉赫肩負首席或獨奏的重任。
布拉赫以獨奏家的身分跟世界各大知名交響樂團演出,其中的合作對象包括了柏林愛樂、德勒斯登愛樂、慕尼黑愛樂、北德廣播交響樂團、西德廣播交響樂團(今改名為科隆廣播交響樂團)、萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團、東京讀賣日本交響樂團、首爾 KBS 交響樂團、倫敦愛樂、曼徹斯特的哈雷管弦樂團、墨爾本交響樂團、馬勒室內樂團、德州聖安東尼奧交響樂團、瑞士聖加侖交響樂團、米蘭威爾第交響樂團、赫爾辛基愛樂、奧斯陸愛樂、以及西班牙加利西亞皇家愛樂管弦樂團。
曾與布拉赫合作過的當代指揮家包括了阿巴多、艾倫・吉伯特、丹尼爾・哈汀、尤洛夫斯基(Vladimir Jurowski)、狄米特里・齊塔顏柯(Dimitri Kitajenko)、Diego Matheusz(阿巴多欽點的莫札特交響樂團首席客座指揮)、肯特中野、Matthias Pintscher(當代音樂合奏團 Ensemble InterContemporain 目前的音樂總監)、卡爾-海因茨・史蒂芬斯(Karl-Heinz Steffens),以及馬庫斯・史坦茲(Markus Stenz)等人。
在獨奏家的身分之外,布拉赫也熱愛參與小編制的室內樂演奏,與他合作過的演奏家包括了鋼琴家 Kirill Gerstein、大提琴家 Clemens Hagen(布拉赫與以上兩位演奏家經常演出鋼琴三重奏作品)、鋼琴家 Vassily Lobanov、大提琴家顧德曼、中提琴家 Wolfram Christ(前柏林愛樂中提琴首席),以及低音提琴家 Alois Posch。布拉赫的室內樂演出遍及倫敦、巴黎、蘇黎世、巴登巴登、柏林、佛羅倫斯等世界各大城市。
布拉赫錄製了許多廣受樂評讚賞的唱片,其中由阿巴多指揮馬勒室內樂團伴奏的貝爾格/史特拉汶斯基小提琴協奏曲,以及他演奏父親波里斯・布拉赫所寫的小提琴協奏曲專輯,都獲得法國唱片大獎金叉獎(Diapason d’Or)肯定。另外值得一提的是布拉赫和鋼琴家 Jasha Nemtsov 合作的溫伯格與蕭士塔高維契小提琴奏鳴曲,這張唱片獲得了德國唱片評論年度大獎(Deutsche Schallplattenkritik)。2011 年,布拉赫再度與馬勒室內樂團合作,發行舒曼小提琴協奏曲專輯(其中布拉赫同時擔任樂團指揮與獨奏家的角色),也獲得樂評的高度讚賞。著名的《法蘭克福匯報》(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)作了以下的評論:「這是一張徹底獨一無二的唱片:不管是誰,第一次聽到這份錄音,一定不會忘記樂曲開頭樂團的音色與聲響效果。當獨奏家布拉赫加入時,這張專輯提供的嶄新聽覺體驗又再度浮現在聽眾的印象中——布拉赫的音色強烈、敏銳,且充滿張力,其中更有一種舊時代演奏風格中那種強調即時性的音樂表情,這是在今日樂壇幾乎已被遺忘的。」
在古典至浪漫樂派的曲目(貝多芬、布拉姆斯、艾爾加、舒曼)之外,布拉赫也致力於推廣近現代曲目,例如庫特・懷爾(Kurt Weil)的小提琴協奏曲(阿巴多指揮馬勒室內樂團伴奏)、貝里歐、哈特曼、亨策、亨德密特、馬蒂努、魯托史拉夫斯基、齊瑪諾夫斯基、荀白克,以及芬蘭的現代作曲家林柏格(Magnus Lindberg)等人的作品。此外,布拉赫的跨界計畫還包括了錄製巴赫的無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲,並在樂曲間穿插17世紀德國詩人葛呂非烏斯(Andreas Gryphius)詩作的朗誦。布拉赫另一個特別的演奏計畫則是史特拉汶斯基的《士兵的故事》,他在其中同時擔任小提琴手與朗誦者的角色,並由德國著名的左派歌劇導演 Ruth Berghaus 執導演出。
近年來,布拉赫特別致力於「領奏」(Play-Direct)的演奏會形式,坐在樂團首席的位置上同時擔任指揮與首席(或獨奏家)的角色。布拉赫經常以這類「領奏」方式合作的樂團包括了墨爾本交響樂團、馬勒室內樂團、香港愛樂、斯圖加特室內樂團、琉森音樂節慶弦樂團、耶路撒冷交響樂團、瑞士伯恩室內合奏團、以及柏林喜歌劇院管弦樂團。台灣樂迷也應該還記得 2014 年布拉赫受國家交響樂團之邀,在台北國家音樂廳與台東縣政府文化處藝文中心演藝廳,「領奏」了巴爾托克的嬉遊曲、貝多芬的第一號交響曲,以及壓軸的貝多芬D大調小提琴協奏曲。
2015-6 樂季,布拉赫預定的演出包括:與墨爾本交響樂團,以「領奏」形式演出布拉姆斯的小提琴協奏曲、柴可夫斯基的《弦樂小夜曲》;與康斯坦茨西南德愛樂樂團演奏舒曼第三號交響曲;與海爾布隆符騰堡室內樂團演奏伯恩斯坦《依據柏拉圖「對話錄」寫給獨奏小提琴、弦樂團、豎琴與打擊樂的小夜曲》、布列頓《弗蘭克布里奇主題變奏曲》;與京都交響樂團合作巴爾托克的第二號小提琴協奏曲;以領奏方式帶領耶路撒冷交響樂團演出布魯赫的第一號小提琴協奏曲、孟德爾頌的第一號交響曲。室內樂方面,布拉赫則將與老搭檔鋼琴家 Kirill Gerstein 以及大提琴家 Clemens Hagen 合奏包括貝多芬、拉赫曼尼諾夫,以及亞倫斯基的鋼琴三重奏。
在頻繁的演出行程之外,布拉赫也致力於教學,任教於家鄉柏林著名的「漢斯・艾斯勒音樂學院」擔任。布拉赫目前手中的小提琴是史特拉瓦拉第製作於 1730 年的「Tritton」名琴,由 Kimiko Powers 女士慷慨出借。
Kolja Blacher was born in Berlin, and received his first violin lesson at the age of four. He later went to New York City to study at the Juilliard School of Music with Dorothy DeLay, and then with Sandor Vegh in Salzburg. Following his first concert with the "Deutsche Sinfonie Orchester Berlin" when seventeen, he made his debut-performance with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in 1988. This marked the beginning of a truly remarkable and diverse career.
As a soloist Blacher has performed with significant orchestras worldwide, including the Berlin Philharmonic, Dresden Philharmonic, Munich Philharmonic, the NDR and the WDR Symphony, “Gewandhausorchester Leipzig”, Yomiuri Nippon Orchestra Tokio, KBS Orchestra Seoul, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Hallé Orchestra Manchester, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Mahler Chamber Orchestra, San Antonio Symphony, Symphony Orchestra St. Gallen, Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Oslo Filharmonien and the Real Filarmonica de Galicia.
He has performed with conductors such as Claudio Abbado, Alan Gilbert, Daniel Harding, Vladimir Jurowski, Dimitri Kitajenko, Diego Matheusz, Kent Nagano, Matthias Pintscher, Karl-Heinz Steffens und Markus Stenz.
Besides his work as a soloist, he also has collaborated with many musicians like Kirill Gerstein and Clemens Hagen (with whom he plays in a piano trio), Vassily Lobanov, Natalia Gutmann, Wolfram Christ and Alois Posch. These performances have brought him to London, Paris, Zürich, Baden-Baden, Berlin, Florence, and many other venues around the world.
Blacher has also recorded highly acclaimed CD's. His joint recording with Claudio Abbado and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra of the Violin Concertos by Berg and Stravinsky as well as the violin concerto by Boris Blacher were honored with the “Diapason d’Or” award. Furthermore, the German Record Critique (Deutsche Schallplattenkritik) awarded its annual prize to Blacher’s CD with Jasha Nemtsov with works by Weinberg and Schostakowitsch. In 2011, Kolja Blacher released his well-received recording of Schumann’s Violin concerto ( both as musical director and soloist) once again with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra. It was reviewed by the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as follows:
“This is utterly unique: Whoever listens to this work for the very first time will never forget the special sound at the beginning. And when the soloist Blacher enters, the impression of a whole new auditory experience repeats – so keenly tense is the sound of his violin with a nearly forgotten immediateness of expression.”
Besides the classical-romantic repertoire (Beethoven, Brahms, Elgar, Schumann), Blacher also devotes his time to the concertos of Kurt Weill (recorded with Claudio Abbado and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra), Berio, Hartmann, Henze, Hindemith, Martinu, Lutoslawski, Szymanowski, Schönberg or Magnus Lindberg. In addition, his extraordinary projects include a recording of solo-sonatas by Bach in combination with texts by Andreas Gryphius or Stravinsky’s “The Soldier’s Tale”, in which Blacher himself takes the role of both a violinist and an actor, directed by Ruth Berghaus. Even when it comes to Blacher’s activities in the chamber orchestra field, he explores the rarer projects, for instance the violin sonatas by Beethoven (“Kreutzer”) and Schostakowitsch, both transcribed violin and chamber orchestra.
More recently “Play-Direct” concerts have captured Blacher's interest. Leading the orchestra from the desk of the concertmaster, he has worked regularely with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, the Hong Kong Philharmonic, the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, the Festival Strings Lucerne, the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, the Camerata Bern, and the Orchestra of the "Komische Oper" in Berlin.
Blacher teaches with great passion at the music academy “Hanns Eisler” in his hometown of Berlin.
His violin is the “Tritton” Stradivari made in 1730. It is on generous loan from Miss Kimiko Powers.
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