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身為英國 BBC 遴選的「新世代藝術家」(BBC New Generation Artists),范.庫易克四重奏自創團以來,已獲得無數國際獎項肯定。2015 年,范.庫易克四重奏在倫敦威格摩爾音樂廳舉辦的國際弦樂四重奏競賽(Wigmore Hall International String Quartet competition)中,獲得貝多芬與海頓作品的最佳詮釋獎,也在挪威的特隆赫姆國際室內樂大賽(Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition)中掄元,同時獲頒最佳觀眾票選獎,更獲法國著名的艾克斯-普羅旺斯音樂節慶學院(Aix-en-Provence Festival Academy)選為桂冠演奏家。在 2017/18 樂季,范.庫易克四重奏獲選為歐洲音樂廳協會的「明日之星」(the ECHO Rising Stars)。

自 2012 年創團以來,范.庫易克四重奏已是世界各大著名演奏廳的常客,登上包括倫敦威格摩爾音樂廳、羅浮宮演奏廳(Auditorium du Louvre)、巴黎嘉禾音樂廳(Salle Gaveau)、蘇黎世音樂廳(Zurich Tonhalle)、維也納音樂協會(Wiener Musikverein)、柏林愛樂廳、丹麥提佛利演奏廳、英國新堡 Sage Gateshead 音樂廳等。范.庫易克四重奏亦為音樂節的常客,獲邀於英國撤騰罕音樂節(Cheltenham Music Festival)、德國海德堡音樂節、奧地利洛肯豪斯(Lockenhaus)音樂節、瑞士達佛斯音樂節、韋爾比亞音樂節(Verbier)、法國艾克斯-普羅旺斯音樂節、法國廣播公司蒙貝利耶藝術節、埃維揚(Evian)音樂節、奧維爾音樂節(Auvers-sur-Oise)、挪威斯塔萬格音樂節、捷克 Concentus Moraviae 音樂節、匈牙利費爾特德「海頓-艾斯特哈吉」音樂節、以色列 Eilat 音樂節、澳洲坎培拉等地的重要音樂節演出。在這個樂季,范.庫易克四重奏將初次造訪香港、澳洲等地,同時也將於秋天再度回到北美洲,於紐約弗里克收藏博物館、華盛頓菲利普美術館,以及蒙特婁的 Salle Bourgie 等場地演出。

范.庫易克四重奏為 Alpha 古典唱片的專屬藝人。2016 年秋天,他們的首張專輯以莫札特的弦樂四重奏作品作為主軸,由該廠牌發行,獲得相當熱烈的迴響。2017 年底,范・庫易克四重奏則在 Alpha 古典發行法國弦樂四重奏作品的專輯。

范.庫易克四重奏目前受戮力推廣室內音樂演奏的巴黎 Proquartet 協會延攬為駐地演奏家,並且在當地受阿班貝爾格弦樂四重奏、阿特密斯四重奏、哈根四重奏等室內樂大家的團員指導。范.庫易克四重奏的團員由易沙意四重奏的學生組成,隨後更獲阿班貝爾格四重奏第一小提琴 Günter Pichler 的邀請,前往西班牙馬德里的索菲亞皇后高等音樂學院深造,並獲得馬德里國際室內樂研究院頒發補助。

法國著名的音樂藝術基金會「 Musical Société Générale 」目前為范.庫易克四重奏的主要贊助者。

Currently BBC New Generation Artists, the Van Kuijk Quartet’s international accolades boast First, Best Beethoven and Best Haydn Prizes at the 2015 Wigmore Hall International String Quartet competition, First Prize and an Audience Award at the Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition, as well as becoming laureates of the Aix-en-Provence Festival Academy. Further to this, they join the ECHO Rising Stars roster for the 2017/2018 season.

Since their formation in 2012, the ensemble is already an established presence in major international venues, performing at the Wigmore Hall in London, Auditorium du Louvre and Salle Gaveau in Paris, Tonhalle in Zurich, Musikverein in Vienna, Berliner Philharmonie, Tivoli Concert Series in Denmark, Sage Gateshead, and at festivals in Cheltenham, Heidelberg, Lockenhaus, Davos, Verbier, Aix-en-Provence, Montpellier/Radio France, Evian, Auvers-sur-Oise, Stavanger (Norway), Concentus Moraviae (Czech Republic), Haydn/Esterházy in Fertod (Hungary), Eilat (Israel) and Canberra (Australia). This season saw the quartet make their debut in Hong Kong, Australia & Taiwan. They are also due to return to North America this autumn for appearances at The Frick Collection in New York, The Phillips Collection in Washington DC, and Salle Bourgie in Montreal.

The Quartet records exclusively for Alpha Classics. Their debut recording, Mozart, was released to outstanding critical acclaim in Autumn 2016, and is followed by a disc of French music in late 2017.

The Van Kuijk Quartet is in residence at Proquartet, Paris, where they study with members of the Alban Berg, Artemis and Hagen quartets. Having taken their first steps as students of the Ysaye Quartet, the young musicians have worked with Günter Pichler at the Escuela Superior de Mùsica Reina Sofia in Madrid; supported generously by the International Institute of Chamber Music of Madrid.

The quartet also participates in international academies; at the McGill International String Quartet Academy in Montreal, with Michael Tree of the Guarneri Quartet and André Roy; at the Weikersheim International Chamber Music Course with the Vogler Quartet and Heime Müller, formerly of the Artemis Quartet, as well as the renowned academies in both Verbier and Aix-en-Provence.

Mécénat Musical Société Générale is the Van Kuijk’s main sponsor.
