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自 1995 年創團以來,齊瑪諾夫斯基弦樂四重奏旋即成為新一代弦樂四重奏的佼佼者,曾在國際大賽獲得數個室內樂大賽的首獎,包括義大利佛羅倫斯大賽、漢諾威的「紀念蕭士塔高維契」大賽、日本大阪室內樂大賽、澳大利亞墨爾本大賽。2001-2003 年間,他們獲選為「新世代音樂家」(英國 BBC 廣播電臺),2005 年更獲得波蘭政府頒贈文藝界最高榮譽「波蘭齊瑪諾夫斯基獎」(柏林愛樂總監拉圖亦得到此獎)。小提琴家克萊曼三度邀請齊瑪諾夫斯基弦樂四重奏團到奧地利的洛肯豪斯音樂節演出;鋼琴家布蘭德爾讚賞此四位年輕音樂家;前阿班貝爾格絃樂四重奏中提琴手 Hatto Beyerle 更盛讚他們是當今最優秀的絃樂四重奏團。齊瑪諾夫斯基弦樂四重奏不但深獲音樂界大師們的青睞,也是世界各大音樂廳及音樂節的常客。目前他們是德國漢諾威音樂學院的駐校音樂家,並領導該校的室內樂課程,不止如此,他們每年定期也在美國,英國及德國各地舉辦大師班。同時,他們更與小提琴教父史坦、阿瑪迪斯四重奏、艾默森四重奏、茱麗亞四重奏、瓜奈里四重奏等團體合作演出,受到廣大的迴響。

2008 年起,齊瑪諾夫斯基弦樂四重奏於每年六月在烏克蘭 Lviv 舉辦以其團名為標題的「齊瑪諾夫斯基弦樂四重奏與朋友們」音樂節(Szymanowski Quartet and Friends),2009 年更邀請 Oleg Maisenberg 大師共襄盛舉。2009/2010 樂季,齊瑪諾夫斯基弦樂四重奏再度受邀前往奧地利維也納音樂廳,薩爾茲堡莫札特音樂院、舒曼音樂節、德國 Schwetzingen 音樂節、英國 Wigmore Hall、BBC「新世代音樂家」系列音樂會、墨西哥 Oaxaca 音樂節、西班牙、亞洲及北美巡演。

“It was hard not to fall in love with the Szymanowski Quartet at the Frick Collection on Sunday afternoon. All professionals perform with intensity, but playing from the heart is another matter. The sound was unusually warm, filling this small space to capacity.” (Bernard Holland, New York Times - March 18, 2008)

Founded in Warsaw in 1995, the Szymanowski Quartet has developed into one of the most exceptional international string quartets of its generation. Their sophisticated programs present a perfect balance between intellect and passion, characteristics with which the Szymanowski Quartet captivates its audiences at prestigious festivals and concert halls in Europe, the United States, Asia, Australia and South America.

The Quartet’s extraordinarily high standard has been confirmed by numerous awards and distinctions. They took first prizes at the “Premio Vittorio Gui” Competition in Florence and the “In Memoriam Dimitri Schostakowitsch” in Hanover. They were prizewinners at the Osaka International Chamber Music Competition and at the Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition. From 2001 to 2003, the Szymanowski Quartet participated in the “New Generation Artists Scheme” of BBC Radio 3 in London. In 2005 they were honored with the “Szymanowski Award” of the Karol Szymanowski Foundation in Warsaw, the only time ever given to a string quartet. In 2007 they were awarded the Medal of Honor by the Polish government for their service to Polish culture.

The ensemble is a regular guest at internationally renowned festivals such as Schleswig-Holstein and Rheingau, Mozartfest Würzburg, Bregenz and Schwetzingen, Niedersächsische Musiktage as well Lockenhaus, London, Cheltenham, Bath and Perth. In 2008 the Quartet founded the Lviv Chamber Music Festival, at the UNESCO World Heritage site on the border between the Ukraine and Poland. The Quartet’s concerts take them throughout the work with performances in at major concert halls such as New York’s Carnegie Hall, London’s Wigmore Hall, Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw, Vienna’s Musikverein, the Konzerthaus in Berlin, Louvre in Paris and Konzerthaus in Stockholm. Regular tours to North America have brought appearances in New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Diego, Vancouver and Montreal.

Along with standard classical-romantic repertoire, the Quartet has a strong commitment to contemporary music. It performs the music of Magnus Lindberg, Elena Kats-Chernin, Philip Cashian, Thomas Larcher and Andrew Toowey; some of whom have dedicated their works to the Szymanowski Quartet.

Recordings from several seasons of BBC concerts document the artistic versatility of the ensemble. More recently its recording of Haydn, Bacewicz and Dvořák was released on the Avie label as well as a classical / jazz crossover recording, with “Pure Desmond.” In spring 2009 the Quartet launched the record label Cavi-music, which focuses on their namesake, composer Karol Szymanowski, in the context of three music capitals: Paris, Vienna and Moscow.

The Szymanowski Quartet studied at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hanover with their teacher and mentor Hatto Beyerle. They continued to refine their performances working with Isaac Stern, Walter Levin and the following quartets: Amadeus, Emerson, Juilliard and Guarneri. Since 2000, they have been “Quartet in Residence” Musikhochschule Hanover.
