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自 1991 年成立以來,丹奈爾弦樂四重奏持續活躍於國際音樂舞台上,經常受邀至各地演出重要音樂會,亦灌錄、發行多張具開創性、獲獎無數的 CD。

丹奈爾弦樂四重奏以其大膽、濃厚的詮釋海頓、貝多芬、舒伯特、蕭士塔高維契、溫柏格(Mieczyslaw Weinberg)等人之弦樂四重奏作品為名,以生動及具新意的視角詮釋傳統弦樂四重奏曲目,贏得大眾及媒體的讚譽。丹奈爾另一項特點為密切與當代作曲家合作,例如著名作曲家黎姆(Wolfgang Rihm)、拉亨曼(Helmut Lachenmann)、古拜杜莉娜(Sofia Gubaidulina)、哈維(Jonathan Harvey)、杜斯潘(Pascal Dusapin),以及作曲新星衛德曼(Jörg Widmann)、曼托瓦尼(Bruno Mantovani)等人。

俄國作曲家於丹奈爾四重奏的曲目中占有重要的地位。丹奈爾極力推廣蕭士塔高維契的弦樂四重奏作品,並於 2005 年為 Fuga Libera 錄製全集。此套錄音最近重新出版,仍為蕭氏弦樂四重奏重要的錄音之一。過去三年,丹奈爾為 CPO 錄製許多與蕭氏同年代,但幾乎不為人知的溫伯格弦樂四重奏作品。未來丹奈爾也會持續發掘這些美麗的樂章,並且放入演出曲目之內。

丹奈爾弦樂四重奏的心中,始終對於提攜年輕音樂家,尤其是弦樂四重奏組合有著使命感,因此教學以及大師班等活動對丹奈爾來說非常重要。 2005 年起丹奈爾受邀擔任曼徹斯特大學駐校藝術家,除了與學生近距離接觸,亦與音樂學家庫柏(Barry Cooper)及凡寧(David Fanning)密切合作。

丹奈爾弦樂四重奏的演出行程繁忙,近期將造訪布魯塞爾、阿姆斯特丹、莫斯科、巴黎、倫敦、馬德里、維也納、柏林、北京、東京及紐約等地。雖然經常受邀於大城市音樂廳演出,丹奈爾也喜歡於較無知名度、與觀眾距離較接近之小型廳舍演出。丹奈爾是各大音樂節的常客,芬蘭的庫赫莫(Kuhmo)音樂節、愛爾蘭的科克(Cork)音樂節、北德的 Schleswig-Holstein 音樂節、奧地利的布雷根茨(Bregenz)音樂節、法國的蒙貝利耶(Montpellier)音樂節、瑞士的格斯塔德(Gstaad)音樂節、比利時的 Ars Musica 音樂節、Musica Mundi 音樂節等都有他們的樂音。


The Quatuor Danel was founded in 1991 and has been at the forefront of the international music scene ever since, with important concert performances worldwide and a row of groundbreaking CD recordings winning many important international awards.

The quartet is famous for their bold, concentrated interpretations of the string quartet cycles of Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Shostakovich, and Weinberg. Their lively and fresh vision on the traditional quartet repertoire has delivered them subsequent praise from public and press. The other part of their force lies in the collaboration with major contemporary composers such as Rihm, Lachenmann, Gubaidulina, Dusapin Jörg Widmann and Bruno Mantovani.

Russian composers have a special place in the Quatuor Danel’s repertoire. They have championed all string quartets by Shostakovich and recorded the complete cycle for Fuga Libera in 2005. This box-set was recently re-issued and still counts as one of the benchmark interpretations of Shostakovich’ quartets. Over the past three years the Quatuor Danel has recorded the almost unknown quartet oeuvre of Mieczyslaw Weinberg, the neglected contemporary of Shostakovich, for CD-label CPO. The quartet will continue to break a lance for this breathtakingly beautiful repertoire coming seasons.

At the very heart of the Quatuor Danel’s work lies their ambassadorship for young musicians in general and string quartets in particular. Teaching and master classes are a fundamental part of their activities. The quartet has been artist-in-residence at the University of Manchester since 2005, working closely with the students, but also with musicologists Barry Cooper and David Fanning.

The quartet’s current concert diary will take them to the major concert halls in Brussels, Amsterdam, Moscow, Paris, London, Madrid, Vienna, Berlin, Milano, Beijing, Taipei, Tokyo and New York, but they are also comfortable when playing in lesser known intimite venues. Quatuor Danel is a regular guest at festivals such as Kuhmo, Cork, Schleswig-Holstein, Alpen Festival, Bregenz, Montpellier, Enescu Festival (Bucharest), Ars Musica and Musica Mundi.

Upcoming recording projects of the Quatuor Danel will consist of the three Tchaikovsky quartets, Piano Quintet by Franck and a longer term project with all string quartets by Haydn and late Beethoven.

Since 2004, the Artemis Quartet has been programming its own critically renowned series in the Berlin Philharmonie and, in addition, was named Quartet in Residence at the Vienna Konzerthaus in 2011.
