克雷莫納四重奏成立於 2000 年,四位團員生於帕格尼尼的故鄉熱那亞,他們今日在國際樂壇被認為是最為激動人心的一支室內樂團體,時常受邀在歐洲、北美、亞洲等地著名的音樂節,在他們結合高度樂思與琴藝的演出中,獲得極度好評。此外,克雷莫納四重奏也出現在廣播與電視節目中,演奏相當廣泛的曲目,從早期海頓的作品至當代音樂。
克雷莫納四重奏近幾年在 Audite 唱片公司發行貝多芬弦樂四重奏全集錄音,其中每一張唱片都受到世界各個報章評論的高度矚目,也獲得許多獎項(2017 年的古典回聲大獎與 2018 年的 ICMA 大獎),隨著這套錄音的發行,克雷莫納四重奏也被公認為義大利四重奏的真正傳人。2019 年春天克雷莫納四重奏發行一張向舒伯特致敬的專輯,收錄舒伯特的 C 大調弦樂五重奏(與阿特密斯四重奏的大提琴朗格合作),以及弦樂四重奏《死與少女》。
克雷莫納四重奏在 2017/18 樂季於阿姆斯特丹、漢堡、愛丁堡、瑞典、丹麥、美國、加拿大、日本等地首演,都獲得相當大的成功。2018/19 樂季他們持續在柏林、漢堡、斯德哥爾摩、日內瓦、曼徹斯特、阿姆斯特丹、瓦倫西亞、紐約、香港、羅馬、米蘭等地演出,同時他們也首度在哥倫比亞的卡塔赫納音樂節、法國的柯爾瑪音樂節、瑞典的桑德維肯室內樂音樂節、奧地利的舒伯特黨音樂節演出。克雷莫納四重奏時常與國際著名的音樂家合作,包括杜頓、朗格、魯契西尼、奧洛夫斯基、魯伊茲、皮桑與艾默森四重奏。
克雷莫納四重奏自 2011 年起受聘為華爾特斯托弗音樂學院的教授之後,也經常受邀在歐美各地舉行室內樂的大師班。此外,克雷莫納四重奏是國際「史特拉底瓦里之友」計劃的宣傳大使,2015 年 11 月他們也受封為克雷莫納市的榮譽市民,而彼得.艾克斯文化基金會也贊助克雷莫納四重奏,讓他們使用四把傳奇的義大利名琴演出。
Since its formation in 2000, the Quartetto di Cremona has established a reputation as one of the most exciting chamber ensembles on the international stage. Regularly invited to perform in major music festivals in Europe, North and South America, and Far East, they garner universal acclaim for their high level of interpretive artistry.
“BBT Fellowship” prize winners in 2005, the Quartetto di Cremona received by the Borletti Buitoni Trust also the “Franco Buitoni Award” (2019 edition) for its constant contribution to the promotion of chamber music in Italy and around the world.
Noteworthy recent recording projects include the double CD dedicated to Schubert, released in Spring 2019 and featuring cellist Eckart Runge. The Schubert CD was recorded with the Stradivarius set of instruments named “Paganini Quartet”, on kind loan from the Nippon Music Foundation (Tokyo). The album attracted high levels of acclaim in the international press, which unanimously considers the Quartetto di Cremona as the true heir of the Quartetto Italiano. Same goes for Beethoven’s string quartets cycle, completed in 2018 for Audite: the eight volumes won prestigious awards (including Echo Klassik 2017 and ICMA 2018) and received numerous recognitions from specialized critics.
The 2018/19 successful season included concerts in Berlin, Hamburg, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Valencia, Milan, Rome, as well as New York, Cartagena de Indias, Hong Kong, Colmar and at the Schubertiade. 2019/2020 season’s highlights include a long tour in North America, performances in Holland, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Albania, Taiwan and Finland as well as several concerts at the major Italian musical institutions.
In 2020 the Quartetto di Cremona will celebrate its first twenty years of career, an important milestone for an Italian ensemble. For the occasion, distinguished concerts and record projects will be developed over two consecutive seasons (2019/2020 and 2020/2021): several performances of the complete Beethoven quartets’ cycle, further CDs’ release, a tour with Bach’s “Art of the Fugue”, new music expressly composed for the Quartet.
Frequently invited to present master classes in Europe, North and South America and Asia, since 2011 they are Professors at the “Walter Stauffer Academy” in Cremona. They are ambassador for the international project “Friends of Stradivari” and honorary citizens of Cremona.
The ensemble is kindly supported by Kulturfonds Peter Eckes (Mainz) with four fabulous Italian instruments.