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自從贏得 2005 年義大利 Paolo Borciani 大賽首獎之後,帕弗哈斯四重奏儼然成為當今最受矚目的弦樂四重奏團之一,他們不僅在世界各大音樂廳演出造成風潮,目前所灌錄的五張 CD 更是張張獲獎。帕弗哈斯四重奏成立於布拉格,師事史坎帕(Milan Skampa,史麥塔納弦樂四重奏的傳奇小提琴家),至今他們仍緊密合作。

2014/15 年樂季,帕弗哈斯四重奏演出一系列波西米亞風的曲目,他們挖掘許多罕見而精彩的捷克作曲家作品,也接受委託演出新作,在倫敦維格摩廳、阿姆斯特丹大會堂、布魯塞爾新藝術廳等地演出,與他們一起合作演出的音樂家包括聲樂家芬克(Bernarda Fink)、鋼琴家安格利希(Nicholas Angelich)等人。帕弗哈斯四重奏受邀成為2015年波登湖音樂節的駐地藝術家,也會前往澳洲、日本、韓國演出。他們之前也現身於蘇黎世音樂廳、慕尼黑赫庫勒斯廳(Herkulessaal)、盧森堡愛樂廳、艾德堡、愛丁堡、韋爾比亞等音樂節;上一個樂季他們曾造訪柯隆愛樂廳、伯明罕市政廳以及布拉格春天音樂節。

帕弗哈斯四重奏現為Supraphon的專屬音樂家,他們近年來的錄音包括舒伯特 d 小調弦樂四重奏《死與少女》以及弦樂五重奏,這張專輯獲得2014年留聲機大獎的年度最佳室內樂錄音,留聲機的評論為「他們展現捷克傳統的最高水準-溫暖、宏亮、有個性、極具張力;但讓人留下深刻印象的是他們肯冒險的特性、熾熱的演奏、還有他們強烈傳達給聽眾的絕對自信。」

帕弗哈斯四重奏的錄音還包括德弗札克的F大調弦樂四重奏《美國》與G大調第13號弦樂四重奏,這張唱片獲得留聲機雜誌 2011 年年度唱片大獎,《星期日泰晤士報》給予五顆星評價,說「他們的《美國》是唱片史上最偉大的詮釋之一。」此外,他們灌錄的普羅高菲夫兩首弦樂四重奏錄音在 2010 年獲得金叉獎年度唱片榮譽,而他們的楊納傑克第二號弦樂四重奏《親密書簡》與帕弗哈斯第二號弦樂四重奏錄音,獲得 2007 年留聲機大獎的殊榮。之後他們也灌錄了楊納傑克第一號弦樂四重奏與帕弗哈斯第一號弦樂四重奏,留聲機:「要形容一張 CD 有重量級的音樂性多少會帶有一點爭議,但我肯如此冒險,和大家分享這張獨特的CD有多麼重要。」2007 年,柯隆愛樂在 ECHO 大獎裡提名帕弗哈斯四重奏為明日之星,使他們開啟一連串巡迴世界的演出行程。他們在 2007-2009 年參與 BBC 新世代藝術家計劃的演出,在 2010 年獲得 Borletti-Buitoni 信託計劃的合奏團贊助獎金。

帕弗哈斯四重奏取名自捷克作曲家帕弗哈斯(Pavel Haas, 1899-1944),他在1941年在泰瑞辛城被納粹逮捕入獄,三年後悲慘地死於奧斯威辛集中營,留下三首精彩的弦樂四重奏。

Since winning the Paolo Borciani competition in Italy in Spring 2005, the Pavel Haas Quartet has established itself as one of the great chamber ensembles of today, performing at the world’s most prestigious concert halls and recording five award-winning CDs. Based in Prague, the Quartet studied with Milan Skampa, the legendary violist of the Smetana Quartet, and continues to enjoy a close relationship with him.

In the 2014/15 season the Quartet will perform a ‘Bohemia’ series in which they explore masterpieces of the Czech repertoire as well as lesser-known works and contemporary commissions at venues such as the Wigmore Hall, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Palais des Beaux-Arts Brussels and Auditorio Nacional Madrid. Guest artists joining them for this project are Bernarda Fink, Colin Currie and Nicholas Angelich. The Quartet will be Artists-in-Residence at the Bodensee Festival 2015 and will tour to Australia, Japan and Korea. They will appear in concerts at the Zurich Tonhalle, Munich Herkulessaal and Luxembourg Philharmonie and at the Aldeburgh, Edinburgh, Verbier and Zeist festivals. Last season’s highlights included residencies at Cologne Philharmonie, Birmingham Town Hall and the Prague Spring Festival.

The Pavel Haas Quartet records exclusively with Supraphon. Their most recent recording, released in September 2013 and featuring Schubert’s String Quartet in D minor 'Death and the Maiden', as well as the String Quintet with Danjulo Ishizaka was awarded Best Chamber Music Record at the 2014 Gramophone Awards. Gramophone commented: “They represent the best qualities of the Czech tradition – warmth, sonorousness, individuality, intensity; but what’s striking here is their fearless risk-taking, their fervency and the absolute confidence with which they propel you through these two masterpieces.” The Times called them “the perfect fusion of virtuosity and profundity”, The Strad recommended the performances as “supreme… vivid and compelling”, BBC Music Magazine as “essential listening”, and Fonoforum a “blazingly vivid account of enthralling veracity”.

The quartet’s previous recording, a disc of Dvořák’s String Quartets No.12 in F major ‘American’ and No.13 in G major, was awarded the prestigious Record of the Year at the Gramophone Awards 2011. The Sunday Times awarded the recording five stars, commenting: “Their account of the ‘American’ Quartet belongs alongside the greatest performances on disc.” The quartet furthermore won the Diapason d’Or de l’Année in 2010 for its disc featuring Prokofiev’s String Quartets Nos 1 & 2, and its recording of Janáček’s Quartet No.2 'Intimate Letters' and Haas Quartet No.2 'From the Monkey Mountains' received a 2007 Gramophone Award. On their subsequent recording of the remaining string quartet works by Haas and Janáček, Gramophone commented: “To describe a CD as musically important is to court a certain level of controversy but I’ll stick my neck out and claim extreme importance for this particular release.”

In 2007, the Cologne Philharmonic nominated the Quartet as ECHO Rising Stars, resulting in a tour to major concert halls worldwide. The Quartet took part in the BBC New Generation Artists scheme between 2007-2009, and in 2010 it was awarded the Special Ensemble Scholarship of the Borletti-Buitoni Trust.

The Quartet takes its name from the Czech composer Pavel Haas (1899-1944) who was imprisoned at Theresienstadt in 1941 and tragically died at Auschwitz three years later. His legacy includes three wonderful string quartets.
