耶路撒冷弦樂四重奏成立於 1993 年,他們憑藉著優異的琴藝,生動靈巧卻又悠揚的樂思,在音樂會演出以及唱片錄音方面都獲得相當高的評價。耶路撒冷四重奏的團員皆來自耶路撒冷音樂學院。他們剛成立不久,就因為拿下許多室內樂大賽的重要獎項而受到國際樂壇的矚目:1996 年在耶路撒冷音樂學贏得室內樂首獎,1997 年得到奧地利國際舒伯特音樂獎(International Competition "Franz Schubert and Modern Music"),1999-2001 年連續獲得《BBC》音樂雜誌的推薦,為 BBC 新生代古典音樂家,2003 年更獲得BB信託(Borletti-Buitoni Trust)的獎勵。耶路撒冷四重奏在成為 Harmonia Mondi 唱片公司的專屬藝人。今年適逢該團成軍 20 週年,耶路撒冷弦樂四重奏將巡迴全世界演奏蕭士塔高維契 15 首弦樂四重奏,而他們的蕭士塔高維契弦樂四重奏錄音,更被譽為繼鮑羅定弦樂四重奏團以來,最具權威的版本。
耶路撒冷四重奏團先後在紐約、洛杉磯、費城、克里夫蘭、華盛頓等地演出,都獲得極為廣大的迴響。在 2011/12 年的樂季,耶路撒冷四重奏團將與鋼琴家梅尼可夫(Alexander Melnikov)合作演出舒曼的鋼琴五重奏,同時會在 Harmonia Mundi 唱片公司錄音。他們也會在歐洲的主要音樂廳,諸如阿姆斯特丹的皇家大會堂(Concertgebouw)、慕尼黑的赫庫勒廳(Herkulessaal)、倫敦的威格摩爾廳(Wigmore Hall)、巴黎的音樂城(Cité de la Musique)等地演出,甚至,他們的足跡還會踏遍布魯塞爾、安特衛普、根特、琉森、多特蒙德、日內瓦、西亞那等城市。在去年,耶路撒冷四重奏團以布拉姆斯的室內樂作品為主題,在巴黎的羅浮宮音樂廳、漢堡的「東方之音」音樂節、舒伯特廳以及荷蘭的 De Doelen 音樂廳,舉行一連串的音樂會,受到相當大的矚目。時間再往回溯,2009 年他們在威格摩爾廳舉行「Mozart Plus」計劃,除了演奏莫札特的弦樂四重奏作品之外,更邀請著名的中提琴家包爾(Lawrence Power)一同演出莫札特的弦樂五重奏作品,而在倫敦的演出之後,阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹、慕尼黑與蘇黎世等地的經紀公司更邀請他們演出一系列相同的曲目。
目前台灣的古典樂迷認識耶路撒冷四重奏團的最重要途徑,就是他們在 Harmonia Mundi 唱片公司所發行的眾多錄音。耶路撒冷四重奏團的海頓弦樂四重奏錄音拿下了 2010 年《BBC 音樂雜誌》的「年度室內樂大獎」,也拿下了法國古典樂最重要的「金叉獎」;他們的舒伯特「死與少女」弦樂四重奏錄音,得到了 2009 年德國「回聲」唱片大獎,也是2008年7月留聲機雜誌的編輯推薦盤;耶路撒冷四重奏團的最新錄音為莫札特的弦樂四重奏,在 2011 年 3 月份發行,立刻被《BBC 音樂雜誌》選為當月室內樂推薦錄音;而他們與梅尼可夫合作的舒曼鋼琴五重奏錄音,將於 2012 年春天發行。
The Jerusalem Quartet continue to be both regular and popular visitors to major venues throughout the world. With a growing reputation in North America where they have played in venues throughout New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Cleveland and Washington, they embark on two extended tours in concert halls throughout the US and Canada. During the 2011/12 season they also tour the UK with a Schumann programme together with pianist Alexander Melnikov celebrating the release of their new CD on Harmonia Mundi. Their European concerts include appearances at major venues such as the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Herkulessaal in Munich, the Wigmore Hall in London and the Cité de la Musique in Paris. Furthermore, they perform in Brussels, Antwerp, Gent, Lucerne, Dortmund, Perugia, Genoa, Siena and Le Mans.
During the past season the Jerusalem Quartet concentrated on Brahms's chamber music with special residencies at the Auditorium du Louvre, Paris, the Hamburger Ostertöne Festival, the Schubertiade and at De Doelen, Rotterdam. Throughout the 2009/10 season the Jerusalem Quartet performed their "Mozart Plus" project at the Wigmore Hall focusing on String Quartets and Quintets by Mozart. They were joined by violist Lawrence Power and repeated this programme in cities across Europe including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Munich and Zurich.
The Jerusalem Quartet record exclusively for Harmonia Mundi and their discs have been awarded with numerous prizes. Their recording of Haydn's String Quartets won the chamber category of the 2010 BBC Music Magazine Awards and the Diapason d'Or Arte and their release of Schubert's Death and the Maiden Quartet received an ECHO Classic Award in 2009 and was Editor's Choice in the July 2008 edition of Gramophone Magazine. The Quartet's latest recording of Mozart's String Quartets, released in March 2011, was immediately selected as Chamber Music Choice in BBC Music Magazine the same month and their recording of Schumann's Piano Quartet and Quintet with Alexander Melnikov will be released in spring 2012.
In 2003 the Quartet were recipients of the first Borletti-Buitoni Trust Award. They were also part of the first ever BBC New Generation Artists scheme from 1999 to 2001.
First violinist of the internationally acclaimed Jerusalem String Quartet, Alexander Pavlovsky has established his reputation as a highly accomplished chamber musician and soloist.