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尹威廉,這位年輕的南韓鋼琴家,演奏生涯起始於美國與亞洲,這幾年來也逐漸在歐洲打響了知名度。匈牙利裔的音樂學者與樂評家 Attila Csampai 曾說過:鋼琴家尹威廉「具備了非常特殊的抒情感,是一位真真切切的鋼琴詩人」。聲譽顯赫的德國音樂學者 Marco Frei 博士亦言:尹威廉演奏鋼琴時「寧靜而情感豐富的懷想,自然地隨著音樂發展出獨立的生命力;他的觸鍵與鍵盤的敲擊,在在表現其演奏技巧的卓越與膽識。」

尹威廉近年的演出計畫包括了與各知名管弦樂團的合作,擔任協奏曲的獨奏音樂家;從柏林演到首爾,再到紐約,遍及世界各大重要音樂廳。在室內樂領域,與尹威廉合作密切的演奏家包括了中提琴家孟克梅耶、單簧管演奏家 David Orlowsky、小提琴家 Veronika Eberle、妮可拉・班內迪提(Nicola Benedetti)、Ye-Eun Choi、女高音 Sunhae Im,以及德國的年秀庫斯弦樂四重奏(Kuss Quartet)。尹威廉也經常以古鋼琴(fortepiano)演奏者的身分在國際各大重要音樂節登台,包括中歐音樂節(Festival Mitte Europa)與德國符茲堡的莫札特音樂節。另外,尹威廉也經常受國際間知名的廣播公司邀請,錄製音樂節目或是演奏會,其中包括了德國公共廣播聯盟(ARD)、南韓的 KBS 電視台、美國的全國公共廣播電台(NPR),以及捷克廣播公司。

尹威廉這位以四海為家的國際級鋼琴家出身於韓國;13 歲時尹威廉前往美國就讀於波士頓新英格蘭音樂院;18 歲時踏上歐洲大陸,成為漢諾威音樂學院傳奇鋼琴家暨偉大教學者 Karl-Heinz Kämmerling 的學生,之後則求教於 Bernd Goetzke 教授(鋼琴家米開蘭傑里關門弟子)。尹威廉目前是著名的義大利「科莫湖國際鋼琴學院」(Lake Como Piano Academy)的獎助演奏家,在每年夏天於當地舉辦的一系列課程中,向鋼琴大師 Dmitry Bashkirov、William Grant Naboré(賽爾金與拉蘿佳的學生,目前是科莫湖國際鋼琴學院的院長)、史岱爾(Andreas Staier)以及普萊斯勒(Menahem Pressler)等人學習。

尹威廉多次在國際性的大賽中獲獎,其中包括美國克里夫蘭國際鋼琴大賽、義大利 Alessandro Casagrande 國際音樂大賽、上海鋼琴大賽、義大利波札諾布梭尼鋼琴大賽,以及比利時布魯塞爾伊莉莎白女王大賽。2011 年,移居慕尼黑的尹威廉獲頒巴伐利亞國家藝術獎;自 2012 年,尹威廉亦服務於威廉肯普夫文化基金會(Wilhelm Kempff Cultural Foundation)的顧問理事會。

The young Korean pianist William Youn is "a very special lyrical talent, a genuine poet" (Attila Csampai), whose "calm lyrical pondering develops an lavish life of its own, completely unforced, with sovereign, bravura technique of touch and attack" (Marco Frei). Youn initially began his career in the USA and Asia, and for several years he has also been developing his presence in Europe.

William Youn's projects include concertos with orchestras in world-class concert halls and festival appearances from Berlin to Seoul to New York. Youn enjoys close collaboration with Nils Mönkemeyer, David Orlowsky, Veronika Eberle, Sunhae Im, Nicola Benedetti, Ye-Eun Choi and the Kuss Quartet. Youn frequently performs on the fortepiano at festivals such as the Festival Mitte Europa and the Mozartfest Würzburg 2013. In addition, William Youn makes radio/television productions in Germany at the stations of the ARD, internationally at KBS Korea, in the USA at National Public Radio Boston and at the Czech Broadcasting Company.

The cosmopolitan Youn began his education in Korea; at age 13 he moved to America to the New England Conservatory in Boston and at 18 he moved on to the European continent, attending the Music Academy in Hannover as a member of the legendary piano class of Karl-Heinz Kämmerling, and later of the class of Bernd Goetzke. As a stipend holder of the Lake Como Piano Academy, Youn worked regularly with artistic personalities such as Dmitri Bashkirov, Andreas Staier, William Grant Naboréand Menahem Pressler. William Youn has won a large number of international competitions (Cleveland International Piano Competition, Concorso Internazionale Alessandro Casagrande, Shanghai Piano Competition, Busoni Competition in Bozen and the Concours Reine Elisabeth in Brussels). In 2011 he was honoured with the Bavarian State Award for the Advancement of the Arts in his adopted home city of Munich. Since 2012 Youn has also been committed to serving on the Advisory Council of the Wilhelm Kempff Cultural Foundation.
