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葉孟儒是台灣當代聲譽卓著的重要鋼琴演奏家,接受俄羅斯鋼琴教育的他,不僅演奏大量俄國作品,而德奧樂曲乃至法系作品也是他專擅的領域。葉孟儒涉獵之廣,從巴洛克音樂到現代樂曲目,同時在許多音樂會評論中,他也獲得許多重要的讚賞。例如當今俄羅斯樂壇重要人物、莫斯科國立柴可夫斯基音樂學院教授瑙莫夫(L. Naumov)對葉孟儒的讚譽如下:「葉孟儒的表現值得極高推崇,他是一位非常具有高度才華,並且擁有絕妙琴藝的鋼琴演奏家,音樂表現具有難得天赋和多樣性。觀眾始終给予温暖熱烈的回應,並且最為喜愛這種原創的風格,以及音樂表現上的獨特個性。」

葉孟儒七歲開始學習鋼琴,而自從 1992-1999 年間於莫斯科學習,這段時間他深刻感受到俄國斯巴達式的音樂教育訓練,而這也是他習琴的重要轉捩點。這七年間,葉孟儒經常以獨奏家的身分受邀在俄國主要城市演出協奏曲與獨奏會,之後他更以最高分的榮譽畢業於莫斯科國立柴科夫斯基音樂學院研究班。而他的教授即是當今俄國最著名的鋼琴教授紐莫夫──瑙莫夫即是承襲自俄羅斯涅高茲(H. Neuhaus)鋼琴學派的重要代表人物。

葉孟儒曾受邀演出巴爾托克第二鋼琴協奏曲、柴可夫斯基第一號鋼琴協奏曲、舒曼a小調鋼琴協奏曲、蕭士塔高維契第一號鋼琴協奏曲、浦羅高菲夫鋼琴協奏曲(除了第四號外)、拉赫曼尼諾夫第二號、第三號鋼琴協奏曲及帕格尼尼主題變奏、拉威爾左手鋼琴協奏曲以及史克里亞賓的「普羅米修斯 —— 火之詩」;合作的樂團包括俄國國家交響樂團、克拉斯諾雅斯克(Krasnoyarsk)國立交響樂團、托木斯克(Tomsk)市立交響樂團、克梅羅瓦(Kemerova)州立交響樂團、烏法(Ufa)國家交響樂團(位於Bashkirstan共和國境內)、NSO 國家交響樂團、台北市立交響樂團等等。

在獨奏演出方面,葉孟儒的足跡包括俄國各地境內,以及歐美等地。他演出的音樂廳包括莫斯科音樂學院大廳、莫斯科柴可夫斯基音樂廳、克拉斯諾雅斯克愛樂大廳、台北國家音樂廳等地、並參與在重要音樂節如北德石勒蘇益希-霍爾斯坦音樂節(Schleswig-Holstein Festival)和薩爾茲堡夏日音樂節(Salzburg Summer Festival)。此外,葉孟儒曾與知名美籍俄裔小提琴家貝琳娜(Nina Beilina)、俄國著名小提琴家葛蓮丹珂(Tatiana Grendenko)合作演出,並且與小提琴家吳佩璇、大提琴家許匹勒(Victer Shpiller)合作鋼琴三重奏演出。

葉孟儒於莫斯科錄製所發行的 CD,曲目包含拉威爾、普羅高菲夫和史特拉汶斯基的作品;現為文化大學音樂系專任副教授,並兼任教於國立台灣師範大學音樂系、台北市立教育大學音樂系。

Andrei Yeh is a fantastic, renowned pianist of this generation. Recognized and admired his talent, Yeh receives praise and high acclaim for, amongst many, his performances of large-scale Russian works and central European repertoires.

Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Yeh began his piano studies at age of 7. His training in Moscow(1992-1999) was a pivotal point for the artist, and enriched his performances with Russian influences. He graduated with highest honors, achieving The Doctorate of Performing Arts degree from the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory; his professor was the inspirational Lev Naumov.

In previous and forthcoming seasons, Yeh has given performances of Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2, 3, and Paganini Variation, Bartok Concerto No. 2 and Prokofiefv: Concerto No. 1, 2, 3, 5, and Scriabin: Prometheus(Poem of Fire), Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1, Schumann: a-moll concerto, Shostakovich: concerto no.1, Ravel: Piano Concerto for the Left Hand…etc, with the Orchestra including: Russian state Symphony Orchestra, Kemerova Symphony Orchestra, Krasnoyarsk Symphony Orchestra, Bashkirsten Ufa Symphony Orchestra, Tomsk Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra(NSO), Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra, Xia Men Philharmonic Orchestra(China), Philharmonia Moments Musicaux, Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra(NTSO), Academy of Taiwan Strings.

In recital, Yeh has been invited to many countries, including Russia, Germany, France, Austria, US, Canada, Italy, Hong Kong and Taiwan. He made appearances in concert halls including the Moscow State Conservatory Grand Hall, Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow, Taiwan National Concert Hall, Vancouver Academy of music Kohner Hall, Krasnoyarsk Philamonie Hall, and also at festivals such as the Schleswig-Holstein Muzik Festival, and Salzburg Summer Festival. In chamber music, Yeh has collaborated with violinists Nina Belina and Tatiana Grendenko. Trio with violinist Tiffany Wu and cellist Victer Shpiller.

Yeh’s discography recording included the works of Ravel, Prokofiev and Stravinsky. His performance has gained high recommendations. "Yeh is a very talented pianist and musician who possesses marvelous technique, is musically gifted and multi-dimensional. "The public always gives warm reception and enjoys performances of this original and distinctive musical personality." Said Prof. Naumov -- Honoured Artist of Russia Federation, Honoured Arts Worker of Russia and Professor of Moscow State Conservatory "In creative style, Andrei Yeh continues the traditional 'transformation', successfully connecting the Western musical cultural with the East." ~ Nightly Courier(Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

Andrei Yeh lived in Vancouver, Canada, from 1999 to 2003. In addition to his active schedule as a pianist, he was also a member of Board of director of Vancouver Chopin Society. Since September 2003, he has moved to Taipei and holds a full time position as an Associate Professor at Chinese Culture University in music department piano faculty, part-time position at National Taiwan Normal University and Taipei Municipal University of Education.
