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以色列鋼琴家歐哈德 12 歲與以色列愛樂合作演出,之後進入特拉維夫大學就讀,向傳奇的 Pnina Salzman 學習鋼琴演奏,以及向 Joseph Dorfman 學習作曲。歐哈德贏得多項國際大賽的獎項,包括慕尼黑的 ARD 大賽,以及特拉維夫的魯賓斯坦大賽,也因此他獲得許多協奏曲演出的邀約。1996 年歐哈德前往美國,擔任流行音樂與鄉村音樂的製作人,他與美國著名的流行歌手合作,在電視節目上演出,錄製大量且風格各異的作品,從古典、爵士到流行。他和身為小提琴家的姐姐米莉(Miri Ben-Ari)合作,在環球唱片灌錄一張專輯,還獲得了葛萊美獎。

2010 年起歐哈德與他的家庭搬到柏林,在那裡他繼續從事鋼琴演奏與作曲的工作。他與小提琴家布勞斯坦合作多年,兩人巡迴演出也灌錄唱片,而且也是「羅蘭塞克車站」室內樂音樂節的音樂總監。2014 年起歐哈德在柏林成立「ID 音樂節」,在德國政府的支持下,這個音樂節的宗旨是讓旅居德國的以色列藝術家們有一個演出的舞台。2014 年對歐哈德而言還有另外一個里程碑似的事件:與拉圖/柏林愛樂一起合作演出韓策的《九首神聖的協奏曲》。

至於作曲方面,他的鋼琴協奏曲《提示》,2013 年由漢堡交響樂團作世界首演;而馬林巴協奏曲則於 2014 年在東京首演,最近的交響作品《希望的小提琴》則由柏林愛樂委託,於 2015 年演出。

Israeli born pianist Ohad Ben-Ari performed at age 12 with the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra. The following year he was already enrolled as a student at the Tel-Aviv University, where he studied piano with the legendary Pnina Salzman and composition with Joseph Dorfman. Ohad has won numerous top prizes at international competitions, among them the ARD Competition (Munich) and the coveted Arthur Rubinstein Master Competition (Tel-Aviv). As a result, he received many invitations to appear as soloist with orchestras around the world.

In 1996 Ohad headed for the USA and set to work as a music producer specializing in pop and in urban music. In the following years he would work with top American pop artists, appear in major TV shows and record a vast array of styles and repertoire, ranging from Classical to Jazz and Pop. Big success followed his joint venture with his sister, violinist Miri Ben-Ari, who won a Grammy Award while working with Ohad on her solo album for Universal Records.

Since 2010 Ohad Ben-Ari resides with his family in Berlin, where he continues his extensive work as a pianist and composer. His partnership of many years with Berlin based violinist Guy Braunstein has been reinstated and the two often record and perform together. Ohad and Guy also serve as artistic directors of the “Bahnhof Rolandseck” chamber music festival. Starting 2014 Ben-Ari is also founder and director of “ID Festival” Berlin. Supported by the German Government, the purpose of this festival is to present the work of Israeli artists who reside in Germany. Another event that marked a special milestone in Ohad Ben-Ari’s career took place that year: a performance of Hans Werner Henze’s epic “Nine Sacred Concertos” with the Berliner Philharmoniker and Sir Simon Rattle.

A debut of his original composition for piano and orchestra, “Tips”, took place early in 2013 with the Hamburger Symphoniker. In 2014 his concerto for Marimba was premiered in Tokyo and his latest symphonic work “Violins of Hope” was commissioned and performed by the Berliner Philharmoniker in 2015.
