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隨著柴可夫斯基鋼琴協奏曲全集的錄音發行之後,薛巴柯夫再一次帶給大家驚喜!這位當代鋼琴大師總是選擇相當特殊的曲目巡迴演出與灌錄唱片,建立他在古典樂壇的聲譽,而這些曲目不僅在音樂廳裡相當罕見,而且都需要超技的琴藝。薛巴柯夫在與 Naxos 以及 Marco Polo 兩家唱片公司合作的期間,完成了當代看來最獨到,也最重要的錄音計劃之一 —— 果多夫斯基、雷史畢基、蕭士塔高維契等人的鋼琴作品全集、柴可夫斯基的鋼琴協奏曲全集,以及雷史畢基、梅特涅、史克里亞賓的鋼琴協奏曲集。而最近他彈奏由李斯特改編為鋼琴版本的貝多芬九首交響曲全集,更獲得古典樂壇一致的讚譽!

這些計劃不僅在錄音室裡灌錄成 CD,其中很多也在音樂廳裡大放其光彩。薛巴柯夫在薩爾茲堡音樂節的曲目安排也深受矚目:他在兩個晚上演奏全本的蕭士塔高維契《24 首前奏曲與賦格》,引起聽眾與樂評的熱烈迴響,維也納的報刊說「當代沒有人能把蕭士塔高維契彈得比他更好的了!」近來,薛巴柯夫「在音樂廳裡用彈琴演奏」貝多芬的九首交響曲,更是少見的創舉,所到之處皆引起不小的旋風!

薛巴可夫 1963 年出生於前蘇聯西伯利亞的巴瑙爾(Barnaul),11 歲首次踏上舞台,與愛樂管弦樂團合作演出貝多芬第一號鋼琴協奏曲;不久後他遷居莫斯科,在莫斯科柴可夫斯基音樂學院跟隨傳奇鋼琴家那莫夫(Lev Naumov)學習鋼琴;在奪得蒙特利爾、波札諾、羅馬、蘇黎士等地的鋼琴大賽首獎之後(其中最重要的就是 20 歲時獲得 1983 年拉赫曼尼諾夫大賽首獎),薛巴柯夫與前蘇聯的所有著名管弦樂團合作,並且也在俄國本土舉行超過 100 場獨奏會。在偉大鋼琴家李希特(Sviatoslav Richter)的贊成與鼓勵之下,薛巴柯夫選擇在 1990 年義大利的第 20 屆阿索羅室內樂音樂節上向國際樂壇初試啼聲。薛巴柯夫不鳴則已,一鳴驚人,竟然一連四個晚上演奏拉赫曼尼諾夫的所有鋼琴獨奏作品!而幾近完美的超技演出,使得歐洲媒體立刻為他冠上「當代的拉赫曼尼諾夫」之美譽。之後在琉森音樂節裡,薛巴柯夫安排同樣的馬拉松曲目,獲得瑞士聽眾的滿堂彩!

自 1992 年起,薛巴柯夫與他的家人遷居至瑞士,除了在瑞士之外,他主要活躍的國家在俄羅斯與西班牙等地。1998 年薛巴柯夫擔住蘇黎士藝術大學的鋼琴教授一職,同時他也是許多國際鋼琴大賽的評審一員,包括在慕尼黑的 ARD 大賽、在波薩諾的布梭尼國際鋼琴大賽、在威瑪的李斯特國際鋼琴大賽,與里約熱內盧、首爾、哈瓦那等地的鋼琴比賽。而他也定期在德國、義大利、瑞士、紐西蘭、新加坡、古巴、俄羅斯、南非、日本等地舉行大師班,他的許多學生也在國際鋼琴大賽中獲得獎項,最近的一位即是 2010 年華沙蕭邦國際鋼琴大賽的首獎得主阿芙蒂耶娃(Yulianna Avdeeva)。

薛巴柯夫同時持續積極地參與錄音的工作,他灌錄過 34 張錄音,其中有不少錄音得到好評與獎項,包括德意志唱片評論大獎與坎城古典音樂大獎;薛巴柯夫一開始在 EMI Debut 系列發行唱片,1995 年他得到 BBC 雜誌「年度最佳國際音樂家」的殊榮。2013 年,著名的洛杉磯著名的音樂學者及樂評人羅賓森(Michael Robinson)如此評論薛巴柯夫彈奏的李斯特/貝多芬交響曲全集錄音:「從另一個新鮮而具啟發性的角來來接觸貝多芬的音樂,我忍不住想大力推薦由俄羅斯鋼琴家薛巴柯夫所演奏的貝多芬交響曲全集錄音(李斯特改編為鋼琴獨奏版本)。我們之中絕大多數的人對於貝多芬的交響曲都已經相當熟悉,但李斯特與薛巴柯夫兩人卻產生一系列令人驚艷的音樂展示──可以這麼說,就像得到了夢寐以求的邀請函,得以一窺巨大管弦樂帷幕背後的面貌。薛巴可夫的演奏強烈而敏銳,而且很有想法。實際上,這就像是我們首次聽到貝多芬最著名的作品一樣。」

"... one of the most capable, daring and interesting musicians of these days."(Peter Cossé)

With the recent release of the complete concerto works by Tchaikovsky, Konstantin Scherbakov's endless repertoire accomplishments continue to amaze. A very special repertoire choice has formed the artist’s profile with the accent on rarely performed and highly demanding virtuoso programs, often comprising of works that were considered unplayable before. In co-operation with the labels “Naxos” and “Marco Polo” Scherbakov has realized some of today’s most unique and significant recording projects. Among them – complete piano works by Leopold Godowsky, Respighi and Shostakovich, and complete piano concertos by Tchaikovsky, Respighi, Medtner and Scriabin. The most recent and highly acclaimed recording project was The Complete Beethoven Symphonies in piano arrangement by F. Liszt.

Many of these projects have found their way onto the concert stage. For his cycle of the Complete Rachmaninoff’s works Scherbakov gained recognition as “Rachmaninoff of Today”(Lucerne Music Festival). The two-evening performance of the complete Preludes and Fugues by Shostakovich at different venues, notably at the Salzburg Festival was enthusiastically met by both public and press("One cannot play Shostakovich any better!" Die Presse, Vienna). Lately, Scherbakov has received international acclaim for his performances of Liszt's transcriptions of the Beethoven Symphonies.

Konstantin Scherbakov has given solo performances in 35 countries in Europe, Asia and Middle East, in the USA, New Zealand, South Africa and South America. He has played in some of the prestigious concert halls such as Philharmonic of Cologne, Wigmore Hall London, Herkulessaal, Philharmonic and Prinzregententheater Munich, Tonhalle Zurich, Liederhalle Stuttgart, Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatoire, Beethovenhalle Bonn, new Congress-Hall Luzern, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Musikhalle Hamburg, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Konzerthaus Berlin, Rudolfinum Prague, Atheneum Bucharest, Casal Hall Tokyo, Victoria Hall Singapore, Gewandhaus Leipzig, Konzerthaus Vienna and Warsaw Philharmonic Hall among others.

Konstantin Scherbakov has been guest to important international music festivals such as Salzburg, Frankfurt, Bregenz, Bodensee, Lucerne, Klavier-Festival Ruhr, Bad Kissingen, Schubertiade Feldkirch and Schwarzenberg, Singapore Piano Festival, Piano Rarities Husum, Beethoven Festival Krakau and Warsaw, Lebanon Music Festival, “Primavera concertistica” Lugano, Evian, Colmar, Liszt Festivals in Raiding and Weimar, Piano Festival Lucerne, and among others - numerous festivals in Italy, France, New Zealand, USA, Russia, and Switzerland.

Boasting a phenomenal concerto repertoire of over 50 concertos, Konstantin Scherbakov performed as soloist with more than 60 orchestras, among others with the Russian State Philharmonic, Moscow State Symphony, Moscow Philharmonic, St. Petersburg Symphony, Stuttgart and Duisburg Philharmonic, Tonhalle Orchestra, Philharmonics of the Nations, Munich Symphony, George Enescu Philharmonic Bucharest, Weimarer Staatskapelle, Sofia Philharmonic, Bach Collegium Munich, Montreal Symphony, New Zealand Symphony, Singapore Symphony, Ukrainian and Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestras, Ulster Orchestra, Wiener Kammerorchester etc.

Konstantin Scherbakov’s constantly growing discography on "Naxos", "Marco Polo", EMI Classics and "Two Pianists" labels comprises 35 CDs featuring over 300 titles. Many recordings received prizes and awards such as Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik and the Cannes Classical Award. The pianist was one of the first artists signed by EMI Classics for their Debut-Series. In 1995 he became a "BBC International Artist".

During the 2010-2011 season Konstantin Scherbakov gave his debut on the South American continent playing a recital in Buenos Aires and concerto appearances with the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra in Rio de Janeiro and in Sao Paulo with the Sao Paulo Symphony Orchestra; following his highly successful debut concerto tour of Korea with the Moscow Philharmonics the previous year he returned to the country with the Prague Radio-Symphony Orchestra. One of the highlights of the season were concerts with the Weimarer Staatskapelle under Christian Thielemann in Weimar and Bayreuth - a live Europe wide broadcast performance of Liszt's works dedicated to the European Liszt 200-Anniversary Day. In his agenda there were also solo performances in Zurich, New York, in Germany and South Africa, a recital tour of Japan and festivals appearances in Switzerland, France, Taiwan, Japan and Italy.

Born in Barnaul, Russia Konstantin Scherbakov made his debut with the philharmonic orchestra of his native town at the age of 11, performing Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 1. Soon after, he moved to Moscow to continue his musical education at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatoire with the legendary professor Lev Naumov. The triumphant winner of the 1. Rachmaninoff Competition in 1983, Konstantin Scherbakov performed with all the leading orchestras of the former Soviet Union, and played recitals in more than 100 cities in all republics of his native country. After winning an array of prizes at prestigious international competitions(Montreal, Bolzano, Rome, Zurich), Scherbakov launched his international career in 1990 at the XXth Chamber Music Festival of Asolo, where he performed the complete Rachmaninoff’s works for piano solo in four recitals, to the manifest approval of Sviatoslav Richter.

Since 1998 the pianist has been professor at the Zurich University of the Arts. He is a jury member in major international competitions(such as ARD Munich, Busoni in Bolzano, Liszt in Weimar, and among others Rio de Janeiro, Seoul, Havana etc.)and he regularly holds master classes all over the world(Germany, Italy, Switzerland, New Zealand, Singapore, Cuba, Russia, South Africa, Japan, Brazil). Many of his students won prizes and awards at international competitions, most recently Yulianna Avdeeva, the winner of the last International Chopin Competition in Warsaw.

Since 1992 Konstantin Scherbakov has lived with his family in Switzerland. Much of his time he spends in Spain and in Russia.
