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胡榮 1991 年出生於台灣台北市。五歲時與林百合及賴美玲學習鋼琴,七歲進入光仁小學音樂班,師事徐四平,13 歲時進入南門國中音樂班,師事陳芬芬,15 歲就讀師大附中,師事葉綠娜、張欽全與沈德中。隨後胡榮前往瑞士繼續就讀高中 ecole d’humanité,現就讀瑞士琉森高等音樂院(Hochschule Luzern Musik),專研鋼琴演奏,師事國際知名鋼琴家兼指揮家列夫席茲(Konstantin Lifschitz)。就學期間胡榮也曾與多位知名音樂家上獨奏及室內樂大師班,如 Christian Poltera、Isabelle van Keulen、Danusha Waskiewicz、Isabel Charisius、Sebastian Hamann、Rafael Rosenfeld、Kyoko Hashimoto、Martin Helmchen、Menahem Pressler、Andreas Haefliger。2016 年 5 月起擔任蘇黎世歌劇院學院伴奏一職,與該團有為期兩年的多次大型製作與室內樂表演。

胡榮多次於台灣、中國、奧地利以及瑞士舉行室內樂及獨奏會,也曾於瑞士多次與樂團合作演出。2014 年 3 月在台北「絕對青春 痴狂貝多芬」系列中演奏八首貝多芬奏鳴曲,2015 年 1 月在瑞士琉森文化會議中心(Kultur- und Kongresszentrum, KKL Lucerne)舉辦的新年音樂會演出,同年三月在同一場地再度受邀演出,2015 年 4 月在台灣巡迴演出多場雙中提琴與鋼琴演奏會,11 月則受邀在奧地利霍恩埃姆斯(Hohenems)舉行鋼琴獨奏會,近期則多在瑞士巡迴演出。2016 年 4 月受邀在台北國家音樂廳,與鄭立彬/台北愛樂青年管弦樂團合作演出布拉姆斯《第一號鋼琴協奏曲》。

Hu Jung was born in 1991 in Taipei City, Taiwan. At the age of five he started having piano lessons with different teachers. At the age of 18 he started to study at the international high school Ecole d’humanité in Switzerland. In 2011 he began studying at Hochschule Luzern with the world-known pianist and conductor Konstantin Lifschitz. He received further training in masterclasses with Christian Poltera, Isabelle van Keulen, Danusha Waskiewicz, Martin Helmchen, Andreas Haefliger.

Hu Jung often performs in Switzerland, Austria, Taiwan and China. Along with solo he also performs chamber music and concertos with orchestra. In 2014 he performed 8 Beethoven Sonatas in KHS Hall Taipei. In 2015 he played several times in KKL Lucerne, under which Scarlatti at the New Year’s concert and Iberts Sonatine for Flute and Piano in March. In November he was invited to play at the opening season concert of the Arpeggione Chamber Orchestra in Hohenems in Austria. Concerts in 2016 include Brahms Piano Concerto No. 1 in April and recitals in October at the National Concert Hall Taipei.
