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由留聲機雜誌所描述的「炫技的威力與詩意」(Virtuoso of power and poetry),艾達.涅伯辛定期受到世界各地最著名的管弦樂團和節慶邀請。涅伯辛(Eldar Nebolsin)1974 年出生於烏茲別克,五歲起向瓦辛基娜(Natalia Wasinkina)學習鋼琴,不久後舉家遷至馬德里,在蘇菲亞皇后音樂學院(escuela Superior de Musicaa Reina Sofía)向傳奇俄羅斯鋼琴家巴許基洛夫 (Dimitri Bashkirov)學習。2005 年,涅伯辛贏得了於莫斯科舉行的第一屆李希特國際鋼琴大賽首獎,同時也被授予最佳古典協奏曲演奏的特別獎。涅伯辛早年的國際聲望開始於 1992 年所贏得的第 11 屆桑坦德國際鋼琴大賽(Santander International Piano Competition),除此之外,還有最佳莫札特協奏曲演奏大獎。

涅伯辛目前於 Naxos 錄音。他的首張專輯,拉赫曼尼諾夫的前奏曲作品編號 23 和 32,即受到 Classicstoday.com 網站的讚許:「超乎耳朵所能承受的美妙……,隨涅伯辛真正特別地進入拉赫曼尼諾夫的音樂」。他的第二張專輯發行於隔年,與佩特連科(Vassily Petrenko)和利物浦愛樂(Liverpool Philharmonic)合作錄製了李斯特的第一和第二鋼琴協奏曲及《死之舞》(Totentanz),贏得Naxos連續六個月的最佳銷售數位平台 (Naxos’ Bestseller’s Digital Platform)榜首。

涅伯辛在 Naxos 的下一張專輯是與喬安.法蕾塔(Jo-Ann Falletta)和水牛城愛樂交響樂團(Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra)合作的杜南尼(Ernst von Dohnanyi)的《兒歌主題變奏曲》(Variations of Nursery Theme),發行於 2010 年 5 月;同年 8 月份和安托尼.維特(Antoni Wit)與華沙愛樂的蕭邦鋼琴與管弦樂團作品。2011 年夏天的發行舒伯特的獨奏作品,緊接著又有布拉姆斯的鋼琴四重奏。稍早則有兩張 Decca 的錄音,分別為蕭邦與李斯特的獨奏曲,以及與阿胥肯納吉和柏林德意志交響樂團合作的蕭邦鋼琴協奏曲。

涅伯辛國際級的演出帶領他和世界各地最著名的管弦樂團合作——紐約愛樂管弦樂團、芝加哥交響樂團、德意志交響樂團、維也納室內樂團(Vienna Chamber Orchestra)、巴黎管弦樂團(Orchestre de Paris)、伯金漢基金會管弦樂團(Gulbenkian Foundation Orchestra)、羅馬聖西里亞管弦樂團(Orchestra di Santa Cecilia)、西班牙廣播電視管弦樂團(Orchestra of Spanish Radio and Television)、東京大都會管弦樂團(Tokyo Metropolitan Orchestra)、雪梨交響樂團、聖彼得堡愛樂管弦樂團和莫斯科愛樂管弦樂團(Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra);與傑出的指揮家如李卡多.夏伊、泰密卡諾夫、史拉特金(Leonard Slatkin)、杜特華、阿胥肯納吉、克萊茲堡(Yakov Kreizberg)、佩特連科、 阿列席夫(Nikolaj Alexeev)、史畢瓦科夫(Vladimir Spivakov)、佛斯特(Lawrence Foster)、羅斯卓波維契和克利(Bernhard Klee)以及其他許多著名指揮家。

未來的演出則有與有費雪(Ivan Fischer)和曼海姆國家劇院管弦樂團(Mannheim National Theatre Orchestra)、尤洛夫斯基(Michail Jurowski)和哈雷管弦樂團、岡薩雷茲(Pablo Gonzalez)和特內里費交響管弦樂團(Orquesta Sinfonica de Tenerife)等合作演出拉赫曼尼諾夫第二號鋼琴協奏曲;跟阿列席夫與聖彼得堡愛樂管弦樂團演出拉赫曼尼諾夫的《帕格尼尼主題狂想曲》、與佩特連科、謝利(Alexander Shelley)以及利物浦愛樂演出拉赫曼尼諾夫第四號鋼琴協奏曲、與休斯(Owain Arwel Hughes)和皇家愛樂管弦樂團演出葛利格的鋼琴協奏曲;另外又和馬卡爾(Jun Markl)在柏林音樂廳(Konzerthaus Berlin)與德國廣播交響樂團(MDR Symphony Orchestra)演出鋼琴版的貝多芬小提琴協奏曲;在萊比錫與瑞霖 (Helmut Rilling)和馬德里市交響樂團(Orquesta de Comunidad de Madrid)演出莫札特的第 27 號鋼琴協奏曲;在西班牙的巡演與哈夫特(Pedro Halffter)和塞維里皇家交響樂團(Royal Symphony Orchestra of Seville)演出李斯特的第二號鋼琴協奏曲;與波里安契可(Alexander Polyanichko)和奧登瑟交響樂團(Odense Symphony Orchestra)演出普羅高菲夫的第二號鋼琴協奏曲;及摩多維努(Nikolae Moldoveanu)和華沙愛樂演出聖桑的第二號鋼琴協奏曲。

除鋼琴獨奏外,涅伯辛也和拉赫林(Julian Rachlin)、奧格林卓克(Alexey Ogrintchouk)、葛林戈斯(Ilya Grintgolts)或瑞維尼爾斯(Gustav Rivinius)等世界知名的音樂家合作。

室內樂的演出包含萊比錫弦樂四重奏、瑞沙諾夫(Maxym Rysanov)、克萊曼 (Barnabas Kelemen)、普藍尼(Miklos Perennyi)、里貝羅(Filipe Pinto-Ribeiro)、古藍(Juanjo Guillem)、梅納(Claudio Martinez Mehner)及梅尼可夫(Alexander Melnikov)等,還有與他固定合作鋼琴三重奏的小提琴家戈菲爾德(Denis Goldfeld)和大提琴家史密特(Wolfgang Emmanuel Schmidt)。

涅伯辛在 2008 年與阿列席夫和蓋德管弦樂團(Gelders Orkest)首次合作成功後,在 2009 至 2010 年樂季期間獲得安能(Arnhem)的Music Sacrum 藝術家資格。涅伯辛也在馬德里的國際室內樂學院( International Institute of Chamber Music)和哥托尼(Ralf Gothoni)、普雷斯勒(Menahem Pressler)和卡尼諾(Bruno Canino)等人一同執教。

Described by the Gramophone Magazine as "Virtuoso of power and poetry", Eldar Nebolsin is regularly invited by the most renowned orchestras and festivals worldwide.

Born in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) in 1974, Eldar Nebolsin began piano studies at the age of five with Natalia Wasinkina. He went on to win the Young Russian Pianists Competition in Tbilisi, aged 12, and the Radio Concertino Prague at the age of 14. In 2005 he was awarded the Sviatoslav Richter Prize in the 1st edition of the International Piano Competition in Moscow where he was also honored with the special Award for the best Classical Concerto performance. He commenced his early international career following his triumph at the 11th Santander International Piano Competition in 1992 where he won, in addition to the Grand Prix, the award for the best performance of a Mozart concerto.

A former student of renowned Russian pianist and teacher Dmitri Bashkirov, Eldar currently records for the Naxos label. His debut album, Rachmaninov’s Preludes op 23 and 32 earned the Classicstoday.com praise “close to stunning … Nebolsin’s is a truly exceptional excursion into the music of Rachmaninov “, while his second album released the following year, Liszt Piano Concertos No 1 and 2 and Totentanz with the Liverpool Philharmonic and Vassily Petrenko, earned top place on Naxos’ Bestseller’s Digital Platform for six consecutive months. The next albums for Naxos were Ernst von Dohnanyi´s Variations of Nursery Theme, with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and Jo-Ann Falletta released in May 2010, and Chopin’s works for piano and orchestra with the Warsaw Philharmonic and Antoni Wit released in August 2010 followed by a solo album of works by Schubert released in the summer of 2011. The piano quartets by Brahms are soon to follow. Earlier recordings include two albums for Decca - a solo works by Chopin and Liszt, and Chopin’s Piano Concerto with the Deutsches Symphony Orchester Berlin and Vladimir Ashkenazy.

Eldar’s international performances have taken him to the stages of some of the most famous orchestras of the world - New York Philharmonic Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Deutsches Symphonie Orchester, Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Orchestre de Paris, Gulbenkian Foundation Orchestra, Orchestra di Santa Cecilia in Rome, Orchestra of Spanish Radio and Television, Tokyo Metropolitan Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Sankt Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra and Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra with outstanding conductors such as Ricardo Chailly, Yuri Temirkanov, Leonard Slatkin, Charles Dutoit, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Yakov Kreizberg, Vasili Petrenko, Nikolaj Alexeev, Vladimir Spivakov, Lawrence Foster, Mstislav Rostropovich, and Bernhard Klee, amongst others.

Some of his more recent engagements include Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Mannheim National Theatre Orchestra and Ivan Fischer, with the Statskapelle Halle and Michail Jurowski, and with Orquesta Sinfonica de Tenerife and Pablo Gonzalez; Rachmaninov’s Rhapsody on a theme of Pagannini with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra and Nikolaj Alexeev and his Piano Concerto No. 4 with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Vassily Petrenko and Alexander Shelley; Grieg’s Piano Concerto with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Owain Arwel Hughes; Beethoven’s Violin Concerto ( piano version ) with the MDR Symphony Orchestra and Jun Markl at the Berlin Konzerthaus and in Leipzig Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 27 with Orquesta de Comunidad de Madrid and Helmut Rilling; Listz’s Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Royal Symphony Orchestra of Seville and Pedro Halffter on tour throughout Spain; Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Odense Symphony Orchestra and Alexander Polyanichko; and Saint-Saens Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Warsaw Philharmonic and Nikolae Moldoveanu.

In addition to his solo piano career, Eldar collobarates with some of the world’s most renowned musicians such as Julian Rachlin, Alexey Ogrintchouk, Ilya Grintgolts or Gustav Rivinius. Forthcoming chamber music events include performances with the Leipziger Streichquartett, Maxym Rysanov, Barnabas Kelemen, Miklos Perennyi, Filipe Pinto-Ribeiro, Juanjo Guillem, Claudio Martinez Mehner, Alexander Melnikov and several concerts with his regular piano trio, Denis Goldfeld, violin and Wolfgang Emmanuel Schmidt, cello.

During this 09/10 season Eldar is enjoyed the honor of being Artist in Residence for Music Sacrum in Arnhem following his successful debut with Gelders Orkest and Nikolj Alexeev in 2008.

He holds a place on the faculty of the International Institute of Chamber Music in Madrid teaching alongside Ralf Gothoni, Menahem Pressler and Bruno Canino.
