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法國鋼琴家提貝岡五歲起開始學習鋼琴,他進入法國國立巴黎高等音樂院 (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris)向 Frédéric Aguessy 與 Gérard Fremy,1992 年畢業時拿到了一等獎,那時候他才 16 歲。就讀一段時間之後,提貝岡奪得許多國際鋼琴大賽的首獎:1993 年的布萊梅國際鋼琴大賽(第二名,該屆第一名從缺)、1994 年都柏林國際鋼琴大賽(第二名)、1995 年在特拉維夫的魯賓斯坦國際鋼琴大賽(第六名)、1996 年的日內瓦國際鋼琴大賽(第三名,該屆第一名從缺),以及 1998 年巴黎著名的隆-提博大賽冠軍得主。提貝岡的職業生涯自此開始,横跨五大洲,在世界各大音樂廳都有演出的經驗,這兩年即包括華盛頓的甘迺迪中心、倫敦的亞伯特廳、伊莉莎白廳、威格摩爾音樂廳、巴比肯中心、巴黎的培耶廳、香榭麗舍劇院、柏林的貝許史坦廳、薩爾茲堡的莫札特廳、雪梨歌劇院,以及東京的文化會館與 Asahi 廳。

提貝岡與波士頓愛樂的首度合作,曲目是拉威爾的 G 大調鋼琴協奏曲,在波士頓交響廳以及紐約卡內基廳的演出獲得樂壇的高度評價,《紐約時報》寫道:「法國鋼琴家提貝岡彈奏的拉威爾 G 大調協奏曲,在抒情樂段的音色豐富圓潤、在爵士風格的炫技樂段裡則顯得一派乾淨俐落。」《波士頓環球報》的評論是:「一場令人印象深刻的波士頓首演。提貝岡在詮釋樂曲方面有獨到的才華,……他在雄辯似的巨響與飄逸的絮語之間找到音樂的語言。」

提貝岡演奏超過 60 首鋼琴協奏曲,合作過的樂團包括波士頓愛樂、華盛頓國家音樂樂團、蘇黎世市政廳管弦樂團、瑞士羅曼德管弦樂團、布達佩斯特管弦樂團、捷克愛樂、BBC 交響樂團、哈雷管弦樂團、法國廣播愛樂、法國國立管弦樂團、雪黎交響樂團、東京愛樂、新日本愛樂、斯圖加特國立管弦樂團、漢堡愛樂、德勒斯登愛樂。提貝岡合作過的指揮則包括艾森巴赫、貝羅拉維克、席夢揚、鄭明勳、庫特馬舒、伊凡費雪等人。

提貝岡最近發行的 CD 是與指揮羅斯/里格愛樂合作的法朗克交響變奏曲(Cyprès 發行),過去他曾經在 Harmonia Mundi 灌錄布拉姆斯的第一號鋼琴協奏曲(貝羅拉維克/BBC 交響樂團)以及六張獨奏專輯,包括德布西、貝多芬變奏曲、巴哈組曲、蕭邦與布拉姆斯的敘事曲、布拉姆斯的匈牙利舞曲、蕭邦的馬厝卡舞曲。這些錄音的評價都相當高,甚至有評論說過他「能展現蕭邦音樂裡一切應有的詩意、火花及音色──彷彿蕭邦本人就是像他這樣演奏。」

The French pianist, Cédric Tiberghien, started playing the piano at the age of five. He studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de la Musique in Paris with Frédéric Aguessy and Gérard Fremy and was awarded the Premier Prix in 1992, aged just 16. After a further period of study he won several major awards at international competitions: Bremen(2nd prize 1993 - no 1st prize awarded), Dublin(2nd prize 1994), Tel Aviv(Rubinstein Competition 6th prize 1995), Geneva(3rd prize 1996 - no 1st prize awarded), Milan(U. Micheli, semi finalist 1997). In December 1998 he was awarded 1er Grand Prix at the Long-Thibaud Competition in Paris, along with 5 special prizes including the Public Prize and the Orchestra Prize.

His recent debut with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, performing Ravel’s Concerto in G at Symphony Hall and Carnegie Hall attracted unanimous acclaim from the press. The New York Times stated that “the highlight was a fresh and dazzling account of Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G, with the brilliant French pianist Cédric Tiberghien, who played with rich, rounded tone in the lyrical stretches and fleet, crisp articulation in the spiraling, jazzy, virtuosic passages". The Boston Globe saluted a “very impressive BSO debut. He showed a flair for interpretive risk (…) Tiberghien alternated between a sizable, almost declamatory sound and an ethereal stage whisper."

With over 60 concertos in his repertoire, Cédric Tiberghien has appeared with some of the world’s finest orchestras, including the Boston Symphony, Washington National Symphony, Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Budapest Festival Orchestra, Czech Philharmonic, BBC Symphony, Hallé Orchestra, Philharmonique de Radio-France, Orchestre de Paris, Orchestre National de France, Sydney Symphony, Tokyo Philarmonic, New Japan Philharmonic, Gelders Orkest, Stuttgart Staatsorchester, Hamburger Philharmoniker and Dresden Philharmonic. His conductor collaborations include Christoph Eschenbach, Jiri Belohlavek, Lionel Bringuier, Robin Ticciati, Simone Young, Myung-Whun Chung, Kurt Masur, Ivan Fischer, Leif Segerstam, Louis Langrée, Yutaka Sado, and Jerzy Semkow among many others.

Cédric Tiberghien’s most recent CD release features César Franck’s Symphonic Variations and Les Djinns, with the Liege Philharmonic conducted by François-Xavier Roth (Cyprès, April 2011). His discography also includes Brahms’s Concerto No.1 with the BBC Symphony and Jiri Belohlavek and six recital discs on Harmonia Mundi: Debussy, Beethoven Variations, Bach Partitas, Chopin and Brahms Ballades, Brahms Hungarian Dances, and a recital of Chopin Mazurkas.
