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夏瑪尤 1981 年出生於土魯斯,他在巴黎高等音樂學院向海瑟(Jean-François Heisser)學習鋼琴,畢業在倫敦繼續學習,求教於弗萊雪、巴許基洛夫、普萊亞。夏瑪尤 20 歲奪得隆.提博音樂比賽大獎;而他灌錄的李斯特《巡禮之年》全集專輯在全球獲得極高讚譽,包括留聲機雜誌等權威評論的獎項肯定。他早在 2006 年即得到法國權威「音樂之光」獎的年度「啟示」獎(優秀青年人才獎),2011 年又榮獲「年度獨奏家獎」,並接續於 2012 年獲得「年度最佳專輯獎」,而留聲機雜誌甚至形容夏瑪尤的演出水準可與前代鋼琴大師柯爾托(Alfred Cortot)比擬。

夏瑪尤曾經在歐洲與美國的許多音樂廳演出,包括巴黎香榭麗舍歌劇院、紐約林肯中心、阿姆斯特丹大會堂、布魯塞爾新藝術廳、倫敦維格摩廳、莫斯科柴可夫斯基大廳等等,他也被邀請參與許多音樂節,包括安瑟宏音樂節(La Roque d’Anthéron)、琉森音樂節、鹿特丹葛濟夫音樂節、魯爾鋼琴音樂節等等。夏瑪尤也與世界許多著名的管弦樂團合作演出,共事的指揮包括畢契可夫(Semyon Bychkov)、史拉特金(Leonard Slatkin)、尼爾森(Andris Nelsons)、瑪利納、普拉頌等等。至於夏瑪尤室內樂演出的合作對象,包括卡普松兄弟、艾班四重奏(Quatuor Ebène)、絲凱德(Baiba Skride)、嘉碧妲(Sol Gabetta)。

夏瑪尤的錄音包括李斯特、法朗克、孟德爾頌等人的作品,2014 年他成為 ERATO 的專屬音樂家,同年發行舒伯特專輯。

“Chamayou's impressive reserves of articulation and firepower seem a touch stretched by the finale of the Wanderer Fantasy (compared, say, with Murray Perahia's recording), but elsewhere his tight-reined, skilfully paced virtuosity and musicianship excel, while his expressive touch in Liszt's Schubert song-transcriptions is state-of-the-art.” BBC Music Magazine, June 2014 ****

“[he] treats everything with equal respect and palpable affection. The Wanderer is a real test of any musician but Chamayou surmounts the work's sometimes unpianistic demands without ever leaving you, as some do, feeling as if you've been punched in the face. Instead he revels in its virtuosity and in the sheer variety of texture.” Gramophone Magazine, May 2014

“Chamayou's playing is consistently persuasive. The Wanderer-Fantasie is a bit heavyweight for my taste, although the Klavierstücke are superbly done, and there's also a wonderfully graceful performance of the D790 Deutsche Tänze.” The Guardian, 14th March 2014 ***

Bertrand Chamayou, described by Gramophone as a “young French pianist of an impeccable pedigree”, is already firmly established as one of the most thoughtful and fascinating pianists of his generation.

Born 1981 in Toulouse, Bertrand Chamayou studied with pianist Jean-François Heisser at Paris Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique. He completed his training with Maria Curcio in London and was given precious advice by Leon Fleisher, Dimitri Bashkirov and Murray Perahia. At 20, he was a prize-winner at the international Long-Thibaud competition. In February 2011, he won a Victoire de la Musique as “Soloist of the Year”. His recording of Liszt’s complete Years of Pilgrimage the same year received raving reviews worldwide and got several prizes including Gramophone ‘s Choice. Gramophone, putting Chamayou’s playing in a class with Alfred Cortot, has praised the way he … “harnesses power and depth alongside his sparkling virtuosity” and noted his “textual clarity, warm and affectionate expression and luminous piano tone”.

Bertrand Chamayou has been performing in many venues in Europe and in the United States, such as Théâtre des Champs Elysées and Salle Pleyel in Paris, New York’s Lincoln Center, Munich’s Herkulessaal, Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw, Brussels’ Palais des Beaux-Arts, London’s Wigmore Hall, Barcelona’s Auditori, Moscow’s Tchïkovski Conservatory, etc. He is invited in many festivals such as La Roque d’Anthéron, New York’s Mostly Mozart, Lucerne, Rheingau, Rotterdam Gergiev Festival, or Klavier-Festival Ruhr.

He has been playing with many orchestras through the world, under the baton of prestigious conductors. In the concert hall, conductors with whom he has collaborated include Semyon Bychkov, Andris Nelsons, Leonard Slatkin, Neville Marriner, Michel Plasson, Stéphane Denève and Jérémie Rhorer, while among his chamber music partners are Renaud Capuçon, Gautier Capuçon and Quatuor Ebène. Antoine Tamestit, Baiba Skride or Nicolas Baldeyrou.

He has already recorded several major albums dedicated among others to Liszt (Years of Pilgrimage, Twelve Transcendental Etudes), Franck and Mendelssohn. Bertrand Chamayou is a new exclusive ERATO/Warner Classics artist and his first CD dedicated to Schubert will be released in January 2014.
