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- Romain Guyot

今年 24 歲的費南德茲,已經是一位公認在同世代最具天賦的單簧管演奏家之一。費南德茲出生於 1994 年,他六歲開始在葡萄牙學習單簧管,直到 2015 年於波多高等藝術學校(ESAME)拿到學士為止。費南德茲參與過在葡萄牙、美國、法國、比利時等地的多項國際大賽,也奪得十多個獎項,固定在歐洲、南韓、中國、杜拜、美國等地舉行音樂會,也在歐洲與中國舉辦大師班。費南德茲與許多著名管弦樂團合作過,例如歐洲室內樂團,也以獨奏家身份與比利時愛樂、瓦朗謝納管弦樂團、波多高等藝術學校交響樂團、焦爾交響樂團合作。

2018 年,費南德茲在日內瓦高等音樂學院的吉约(Romain Guyot)課堂上完成學業。他吹奏的樂器是 Buffet 單簧管托斯卡系列。

“His great sensitivity, his deep musicality, his elegance and refinement combined with a total control of sound, breath and technic has no equivalence”

- Romain Guyot

At the age of 24, Vitor Fernandes is already recognized as one of the most talented clarinetists of his generation.Born in 1994, he started his musical studies in Portugal at the age of 6 where he studied until finishing his Bachelor degree at ESMAE (Oporto Superior School of Arts) in 2015.

Vitor is the winner of a dozen prizes in national and international competitions held in Portugal, U.S.A, France and Belgium, presenting himself regularly in concerts all over Europe, South-Korea, China, Dubai, the United States of America, and also giving masterclasses in China and Europe. Has collaborated with renowned orchestras like the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, and played as a soloist with the Brussels Philharmonic, Orchestre de Valenciennes, ESMAE Symphony Orchestra, The Royal Symphonic Band of the Belgian Guides, Gyor Symphony Orchestra, among others.

In 2018, Vitor completed his Master degree in the class of Romain Guyot at the Haute École de Musique de Genève with distinction, receiving the Sih-Woo Cardinaux-Chang Prize. Vitor Fernandes plays a set of Buffet-Crampon “Tosca” clarinets.
