出生於德國的克賴爾斯海姆市,莎賓.梅耶分別在斯圖加特以及漢諾威師事奧圖.赫曼和漢斯.丹澤,隨後便加入了巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團,以樂團成員的身分開始了她的樂壇生涯。接著進入了柏林愛樂擔任單簧管首席,深受指揮帝王卡拉揚賞識。將近 25 年間,莎賓.梅耶因著無數的演奏會和節目放送踏進了歐洲所有的音樂中樞,除了定期前往日本和美國演出,她也造訪了巴西、以色列、加拿大、非洲、澳洲,演奏足跡遍及全世界。
莎賓.梅耶以獨奏家身分與全球超過 300 個樂團合作演出。除了德國每一個頂級樂團都曾與之合作外,也受邀與世界各大頂尖樂團同台演出,諸如維也納愛樂、柏林愛樂樂團、芝加哥交響樂團、倫敦愛樂樂團、東京 NHK 交響樂團、瑞士羅曼德管弦樂團,維也納、巴賽爾、華沙、布拉格、以及布達佩斯各地的廣播交響樂團合作演出,再加上其他無法一一列舉出的眾多樂團,莎賓梅耶可說是跨世紀古典樂壇不願錯過的傳奇獨奏家。
近年來,梅耶專心於室內樂演出,她與眾多樂壇同僚切磋,嘗試了各類型的室內樂演奏曲目,包括奧地利大提琴家席夫、小提琴巨匠克萊曼、俄國鋼琴家麥森伯格、挪威鋼琴家安斯涅、土耳其鋼琴家賽伊、德國鋼琴家漢姆辰、德國女高音朱莉安.班斯(Juliane Banse)、哈根弦樂四重奏、東京弦樂四重奏團以及法國莫迪里亞尼弦樂四重奏等。
Sabine Meyer is one of the world’s most renowned instrumental soloists. It is partly due to her that the clarinet, a solo instrument previously underestimated, recaptured the attention of the concert platform.
Born in Crailsheim, she studied with Otto Hermann in Stuttgart and Hans Deinzer in Hanover, then embarked on a career as an orchestral musician and became member of the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks. This was followed by an engagement as solo clarinettist at the Berliner Philharmoniker which she abandoned, as she was more and more in demand as a soloist. For more than 30 years, numerous concerts led her to all musical centres of Europe, to North America, Japan and China and Australia.
Sabine Meyer has been a much-celebrated soloist with more than three hundred orchestras internationally. She has given guest performances with all the top-level orchestras in Germany and has been engaged by the world’s leading orchestras such as the Wiener Philharmoniker, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the NHK Symphony Orchestra Tokyo, the Berliner Philharmoniker, the Radio Orchestras of Vienna, Basel, Warsaw, Prague and Budapest as well as numerous additional ensembles. In 2018 Sabine Meyer was artist in residence at the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival with 19 concerts showing all her facets as artist.
Sabine Meyer is particularly interested in the field of chamber music, where she has formed many long-lasting collaborations. Her chamber music partners are colleagues such as Christiane Karg, Martin Helmchen, Daniel Müller-Schott, Bertrand Chamayou, Nils Mönkemeyer, the Armida, the Modigliani and the Schumann Quartet.
Her main chamber music ensemble was the “Trio di Clarone”; with husband Reiner Wehle and brother Wolfgang Meyer she played more than 500 concerts from 1983 until 2018. The repertoire included some almost forgotten compositions by Mozart and many contemporary works. The trio’s repertoire has been extended further by several innovative projects with the jazz clarinettist Michael Riessler.
Her latest new chamber music project brings her together with the saxophone quintet “Alliage”; newly arranged music by Stravinsky and Dukas shows brilliant colours of the combination of these instruments.
Sabine Meyer is a prominent champion for contemporary music – works by Jean Françaix, Edison Denissov, Toshio Hosokawa, Niccolò Castiglioni, Manfred Trojahn, Aribert Reimann and Peter Eötvös were written for her. In 2015 she premiered a concerto by Márton Illés at the Lucerne Festival.
Sabine Meyer has made numerous recordings for EMI Classics (now Warner Classics); she also recorded for Deutsche Grammophon, Sony and CAvi-music. The recorded repertoire varies from pre-classical to contemporary compositions and includes all important pieces for clarinet. For Sony she recorded Mozart arias, arranged for clarinet, a trio CD with Nils Mönkemeyer and William Youn and recently the “Fantasia” together with the Alliage Quintet.
Sabine Meyer received eight “Echo Classic Awards” and is a member of the “Academy of Arts Hamburg”. In 2010 she received the decoration „Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres“ from the French government.
Sabine Meyer has been appointed to a professorship at the Hochschule für Musik in Lübeck in 1993.