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歐陽伶宜出生於高雄市。師事張毅心與陳哲民老師,於國立師範大學音樂系畢業後,赴美國波士頓新英格蘭音樂學院(New England Conservatory of Music)受教於大提琴家 David Wells。後追隨 Suren Bagratuni 於密西根州立大學(Michigan State University, East Lansing)取得大提琴演奏博士學位。現為東吳大學音樂系專任副教授,並兼任於國立臺灣師範大學音樂系。

歐陽伶宜的演出活躍,除積極參與國人作品發表會,並應允國內外音樂家之邀,與提琴家 Suren Bagratuni、Natalia Khoma、胡乃元、陳沁紅、Walter Verdehr、王瑞、鋼琴家陳冠宇、長笛家陳怡婷、游雅慧、豎笛家 Fan Lei、吉他演奏家蘇孟風共同演出室內樂音樂會;協奏曲則曾與台北市立交響樂團、國立臺灣交響樂團、長榮交響樂團、東吳大學音樂系管絃樂團、高雄市立青少年管絃樂團等合作演出。

2006 及 2009 年兩度受邀與 Suren Bagratuni 於美國巡迴演出大提琴二重奏音樂會。2007 年夏天,受邀於義大利、法國巡迴演出巴赫的大提琴無伴奏組曲。2008 及 2009 年夏天,應義大利音樂夏令營 International Academy of Music (Castelnuovo di Garfagnana) 邀請任教及演出。2010 年以誠慕之心於聖嚴法師圓寂週年感恩音樂會中演奏結緣。

除音樂演出外,歐陽伶宜於 2005 年成立「歐陽伶宜大提琴音樂方程式」工作室,開始投入專輯錄音製作,期許能建構由國人演奏、國人錄音、國內製作之完整大提琴有聲資料。首張專輯《歐陽伶宜大提琴四重奏 Live Recording》旋即獲得 2006 年金曲獎「最佳演奏專輯」及「最佳作曲人獎」兩項大獎,而後獲邀於 2007 年第 18 屆金曲獎頒獎典禮上演出。2006 年與新竹縣五峰鄉桃山國小泰雅族師生合作錄製《桃山小學的夏天音樂課》專輯,除入圍第十八屆金曲獎傳統暨藝術音樂作品類「最佳製作人」提名外,更獲得「最佳跨界音樂專輯獎」之肯定。

2007 年出版《歐陽伶宜 演譯 巴赫大提琴無伴奏組曲》,是第一位錄音出版並在國內巡迴演出完整巴赫大提琴無伴奏組曲全集的台灣大提琴家。此專輯入圍 2008 年第 19 屆金曲獎傳統暨藝術音樂作品類-「最佳古典音樂專輯獎」、「最佳專輯製作人獎」暨「最佳演奏獎」。2008 年 1 月與鋼琴家廖皎含錄音出版《貝多芬大提琴奏鳴曲與變奏曲全集》,也是國人首張演奏貝多芬大提琴奏鳴曲與變奏曲全集錄音。同年 8 月出版大提琴四重奏第二張專輯《Cello4 兩年》,亦獲選為 2008 年誠品音樂年度回顧推薦榜 TOP15。同年 12 月出版大提琴二重奏《DIALOGS》專輯,此專輯入圍 2009 年第二十屆金曲獎傳統暨藝術音樂作品類-「最佳古典音樂專輯獎」。2009 年 9 月出版音樂專輯《搖籃記憶》。此專輯入圍並獲得 2010 年第 21 屆金曲獎傳統暨藝術音樂作品類-「最佳專輯包裝獎」。

為尋求多元藝術與跨界之組合,於 2010 年與亞門錄音合作出版音樂讀物《聲音樂誌 1》與《聲音樂誌 2》,嘗試融合音樂、文字、影像、平面設計、印刷術及錄音藝術。

2010~2011 年製作並執行演出一系列大提琴奏鳴曲作品—《浪潮》,演出布拉姆斯、蕭邦、拉赫曼尼諾夫、舒曼、理查・史特勞斯等作曲家之經典大提琴作品。

Graduated with her doctoral degree from Michigan State University, East Lansing, and studied with Professor Suren Bagratuni, Ou Yang is now an associate professor at Soochow University and an adjunct professor at National Taiwan Normal University.

Ou Yang participates actively in musical affairs ranging from recitals, chamber music, to orchestras both domestic and abroad. Since returning to Taiwan in 2002, Ou Yang takes part in various kinds of musical performance and teachings. She had been invited to play chamber music with several renowned musicians including cellist Suren Bagratuni, Natalia Khoma, violinist Nai-Yuan Hu, Nanette Chen, Walter Verdehr, violist Jui Wang, pianist Eric Chen, flautist Yee-Ting Chen, Ya-Hui Yu, clarinetist Fan Lei, guitarist Meng Feng Su, etc. Taipei Symphony Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, Soochow University Orchestra, Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra etc. had also invited her to perform in concertos.

In October 2006, Ou Yang was asked to tour with the renowned cellist Suren Bagratuni in the United States. In summer of 2007, she was invited to play J. S. Bach: Six Suites for Violoncello Solo at Italy, and France. Same year, she performed at the 11th National Culture and Arts Award ceremony. Summer 2008, she was invited to teach and perform at the music camp in Italy, “International Academy of Music (Castelnuovo di Garfagnana)”.

Besides her music performance, Ou Yang established the “Ling-Yi Ou Yang Cello Music Formula” Workshop in 2005 and started to involve in recording and producing albums in the hopes of constructing the first complete audio database of cello in Taiwan by Taiwanese musicians, recording engineers and environment. Its first work “First Taiwanese Cello Quartet Live Recording” won the “Best Composer” and “Best Performer” at the 2006 Golden Melody Award and was invited to perform at the 2007 Golden Melody Award Ceremony.

At the summer of 2006, Ou Yang worked with 28 members of Taoshang Elementary School including teachers and students to record an album, “Momoyama! Lawkah! ,” combining western and Taiwanese aboriginal culture and mixing cello and chorus music. This album tries to fuse two types of music and also to view the aboriginal talents and cello singing in a whole new perspective. “Momoyama! Lawkah!” not only got nominated as the “Best Producer” but also won the “Best Crossover Album” at the end.

Ou Yang completed the J. S. Bach: Six Suites for Violoncello Solo during her tour in Taiwan in 2007 and also recorded and published it. This is the first complete J. S. Bach: Six Suites for Violoncello Solo recording album by a Taiwanese cellist. It was selected as one of the “Elite Listen Top 15” by the Elite Bookstore in 2007. At the 2008 Golden Melody Award, this album was nominated as the “Best Classical Album”, “Best Producer”, and “Best Performer.”

Other albums by the “Ling-Yi Ou Yang Cello Music Formula” include “Beethoven’s complete works for Violoncello and Piano”, “Cello4 -Two Years”, “Dialogs-Two Cellos”, “Lullaby, Memory”, “Sound.Music Journal 1” and “Sound.Music Journal 2”.

Since 2010, Ou Yang has been executing in a series of recitals in the name of “The Romanticism Waves”, to perform cello works of Romanticism composers, including Brahms, Chopin, Schumann, Rachmaninoff, and R. Strauss.

Ou Yang was born in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan.
