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長久以來,聽眾充份地享受了丹尼爾・繆勒-修特活力十足的詮釋,完美地結合才華洋溢的技巧,以及智性與感性交融的敏銳。英國《星期日泰晤士報》(The Sunday Times)說他的演奏「有著迷人的新鮮感,讓人重新發現樂曲的美妙」。

繆勒-修特 1976 年出生於慕尼黑,他向諾塔斯(Walter Nothas)、席夫、伊瑟利斯特大師學習大提琴,先後就讀於慕尼黑高等音樂學院(Hochschule für Musik und Theater München)以及薩爾茲堡的莫札特音樂院(Mozarteum),繆勒-修特受到小提琴家安-蘇菲・慕特(Anne-Sofie Mutter)賞識,她的基金會定期贊助繆勒-修特,經由安-蘇菲・慕特的支持,繆勒-修特有機會向傳奇大提琴家羅斯托波維奇學琴整整一年,羅斯托波維奇也因此成為影響他最為深遠的大提琴家。1992 年,當他 15 歲的時候,奪得柴可夫斯基青年音樂家大賽的首獎。繆勒-修特在 2000 年於紐約卡內基廳首演,那一次他受到小提琴家安-蘇菲・慕特的邀請,與她合作一起演出布拉姆斯的 a 小調小提琴與大提琴雙協奏曲,以及鋼琴三重奏等曲目,星運就此大開,全世界的演出邀約紛至沓來。2013 年 10 月安-蘇菲・慕特基金會頒發給繆勒-修特艾妲・史杜基(Aida Stucki)獎,肯定繆勒-修特在探索大提琴曲目上優越的貢獻與成就。

繆勒-修特曾經與頂尖國際管弦樂團合作,包括紐約愛樂、波士頓交響、克里夫蘭交響、芝加哥交響、費城愛樂、倫敦愛樂、伯明罕市交、萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團、柏林廣播管弦樂團、慕尼黑廣播管弦樂團、法蘭克福廣播管弦樂團、斯圖加特廣播管弦樂團、萊比錫廣播管弦樂團、漢堡廣播管弦樂團、法國國家廣播交響樂團、西班牙國家管弦樂團、NHK 交響樂團、NSO 交響樂團、首爾愛樂等等……。與繆勒-修特合作過的指揮則包括艾森巴赫、伊凡費雪、吉伯特(Alan Gilbert)、海汀克、恩肯能(Pietari Inkinen)、賈維(Neeme Järvi)、尼爾森(Andris Nelsons)、諾塞達(Gianandrea Noseda)、庫特馬舒、奧拉摩(Sakari Oramo)、普列文、桑德林(Michael Sanderling)、薩拉斯特(Jukka-Pekka Saraste)等人。

除了演奏經典的大提琴協奏曲之外,繆勒-修特也相當喜歡挖掘一些不知名的作品演出,大大擴充大提琴曲目的廣度,譬如與作曲家合作,委託他們創作。普列文與魯契卡(Peter Ruzicka)都為他寫了一首大提琴協奏曲,他分別為這兩首作品在萊比錫與波昂兩地進行世界首演,指揮都是作曲家本人。美國作曲家居里耶(Sebastian Currier)為他寫了一首大提琴奏鳴曲,而慕斯托能(Olli Mustonen)的大提琴奏鳴曲也是由他與慕斯托能兩人在漢堡舉行世界首演。

繆勒-修特 2013/14 樂季的焦點音樂會包括與紐約愛樂及以波士頓交響合作(杜特華指揮)、普列文大提琴協奏曲的美國首演、與馬捷爾/慕尼黑愛樂以及伊凡費雪/布達佩斯特節慶管弦樂團巡迴演出、與尼爾森/伯明罕市立交響樂團舉行開季音樂會。繆勒-修特也以客席獨奏家的身份與威瑪國立歌劇院管弦樂團、德勒斯登愛樂合作,以及再次於倫敦逍遙音樂節(Proms)上演出。室內樂部分,他將與小提琴家絲凱德(Baiba Skride)以及豎琴家德梅斯特(Xavier de Maistre)巡迴美國演出;與鋼琴家特瑞傑斯基(Simon Trpceski)巡迴加拿大演出。至於鋼琴三重奏的演出,繆勒-修特分別與小提琴家哈格納(Viviane Hagner)/鋼琴家吉拉德(Jonathan Gilad),以及鋼琴家特瑞傑斯基(Simon Trpceski)/小提琴家茱麗安・費雪安排演出行程。

繆勒-修特也是國際各大音樂節的常客,包括倫敦的逍遙音樂節、舒伯特黨、石勒蘇益格-荷爾斯泰因、萊茵高、Schwetzingen、海德堡之春、壇格塢等音樂節。繆勒-修特很喜歡從事讓年輕學子燃起古典音樂熱情的相關活動,近年來他主動參與由鋼琴家拉斯.佛格(Lars Vogt)發起的「校園狂想曲」(Rhapsody in School)計畫,定期到各地的小學為學童講解大提琴的構造、示範演出,並邀請孩子們來聆聽音樂會,藉此讓更多的青年學子不再覺得古典音樂高不可攀,並且能恣意徜徉於音樂的真善美之中。他在歐洲、美國、亞洲與澳洲等地都開設大師班,長久以來積極支持年輕學子成為器樂家與職業演奏家的想法。

繆勒-修特在開始學習大提琴的孩提時期,就對巴赫的音樂有極大的熱愛,因此他的第一張唱片是在 2000 年,也就是巴赫逝世 250 週年,灌錄他的六首無伴奏大提琴組曲。他在 ORFEO、Deutsche Grammophon、Hyperion、Pentatone、EMI Classics 等唱片公司灌錄了大量的錄音,獲得樂迷以及樂評的廣大支持與肯定,曾經獲得金叉獎、留聲機雜誌主編推薦、弦樂器雜誌推薦、BBC音樂雜誌的「當月最佳 CD」。他的艾爾加與華爾頓大提琴協奏曲錄音,以及蕭士塔高維契大提琴協奏曲錄音(克萊茲堡指揮巴伐利亞廣播管弦樂團)獲得「德國唱片評論」(Deutschen Schallplattenkritik)的當季最佳唱片大獎;他與鋼琴家休伊特合作的貝多芬大提琴奏鳴曲全集獲得倫敦《每日電訊報》(The Daily Telegraph)五顆星的讚譽;他於 ORFEO 錄的布列頓三首無伴奏組曲錄音則獲得了法國的金叉獎;此外他也灌錄了普羅高菲夫與布列頓的大提琴交響曲(薩拉斯特指揮 WDR 交響樂團)。近來他則是將焦點放在德弗札克的作品身上,除了巡迴世界演出德弗札克的大提琴協奏曲之外,也將在 2014 年 6 月發行德弗札克的大提琴作品集。

繆勒-修特目前使用的大提琴是製琴名家馬泰奧.葛弗瑞勒於 1727 年所製作的「夏皮洛」名琴。

Daniel Müller-Schott ranks among the world’s best cellists of his generation and can be heard on all of the foremost international concert stages. For years he delights his audiences with energetic interpretations, perfectly combining technical brilliance with great intellectual and emotional acuity. In the words of the Sunday Times, his performances “have the winning freshness of rediscovery”.

In October 2013 the Anne-Sophie Mutter Foundation awarded the Aida Stucki Prize to Daniel Müller-Schott. The prize was granted by the Anne-Sophie Mutter Foundation to Daniel Müller-Schott as an acknowledgement of “his outstanding contribution to the cello repertoire.”

Daniel Müller-Schott works with such leading international orchestra: in the US with the orchestras in New York, Boston, Cleveland, Chicago, Philadelphia, in Europe the London Philharmonic, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the London Philharmonia, the Gewandhausorchestra Leipzig, the Radio Orchestras from Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Leipzig and Hamburg, the Orchestre National de Radio France, the Spanish National Orchestra as well as in Asia with the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra Taiwan (NSO) and the Seoul Philharmonic. All over the world he has appeared in concert with such renowned conductors as Christoph Eschenbach, Iván Fischer, Alan Gilbert, Bernard Haitink, Jakub Hrůša, Pietari Inkinen, Neeme Järvi, Dmitrij Kitajenko, Jun Märkl, Andris Nelsons, Gianandrea Noseda und Kurt Masur sowie Stefan Blunier, Sakari Oramo, Andrés Orozco-Estrada, Vasily Petrenko, André Previn, Michael Sanderling, Jukka-Pekka Saraste und Krzysztof Urbański.

In addition to performances of the great cello concertos, Daniel Müller-Schott has a special interest in discovering unknown works and extending the cello repertoire, e.g. with his own adaptations and through cooperation with composers. André Previn and Peter Ruzicka have both dedicated a cello concerto to him. He premiered both works under the composers’ batons in Leipzig and Bonn. Sebastian Currier has also composed a cello sonata for Daniel Müller-Schott, and Olli Mustonen’s Sonata for Cello and Piano was premiered by the performer and the composer in the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg.

Daniel Müller-Schott is much in demand as a musical partner in Brahms’ Double Concerto and as a trio partner with the celebrated violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter, at whose invitation he performed his debut concert at New York’s Carnegie Hall back in 2000.

The high points of the 2013/14 season are concerts with the New York Philharmonic and Boston Symphony Orchestra under Charles Dutoit, the US premiere of André Previn’s Cello Concerto, a tour with the Munich Philharmonic under Lorin Maazel and with the Budapest Festival Orchestra under Ivan Fischer as well as the opening of the season with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra under Andris Nelsons. Daniel Müller- Schott is also guest soloist with the Staatskapelle Weimar, the Dresden Philharmonic, again at the 2013 London Proms and is working for the first time with the l’arte del mondo chamber orchestra. To play chamber music, he is planning an extended tour with Baiba Skride and Xavier de Maistre as well as a tour of the USA and Canada with Simon Trpceski. Trio concerts with Viviane Hagner and Jonathan Gilad and with Julia Fischer and Simon Trpceski have also been agreed.

Daniel Müller-Schott is a regular guest at international festivals of music. These include the Proms in London, the Schubertiade, Schleswig-Holstein, Rheingau, Schwetzingen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, at the “Heidelberger Frühling” as well as at the Festival Vancouver and in the US at festivals for example in Tanglewood, Ravinia and Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles.

Daniel Müller-Schott has a keen interest in awakening young people’s enthusiasm for music and introducing them to the magical moments of music. He is therefore supporting the “Rhapsody in School” project in an honorary capacity. In his master classes, through which he is invited to teach in Europe, the US, Asia and Australia, Daniel Müller-Schott demonstrates his consistent support for a new generation of instrumentalists and musicians.

Since his childhood, Daniel Müller-Schott has felt a great love for the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. For his first CD record, he chose the Six Suites for Cello Solo for Bach’s jubilee in 2000 (Glissando Records).

Daniel Müller-Schott has already built up a sizeable discography under the ORFEO, Deutsche Grammophon, Hyperion, Pentatone and EMI Classics labels. His recordings have been enthusiastically received by both the public and the press and have also received numerous awards, including the Diapason d’Or, the Gramophone Editor’s Choice, Strad Selection, and the BBC Music Magazine’s “CD of the month”.

He has been awarded the Quarterly Prize of German Record Critics for his recordings of the Elgar and Walton Cello Concertos and for his CD of the Shostakovich Cello Concertos recorded with the Bavarian Radio Orchestra under Yakov Kreizberg. His recording of the entire Beethoven cycle with Angela Hewitt has been awarded five stars by the London Daily Telegraph. Daniel Müller-Schott has released Britten’s solo suites under the ORFEO label and has been awarded the Diapason d’Or in France. In celebration of Britten’s centenary in 2013, he has now issued the Cello Symphonies by Britten and Prokofiev with the WDR Symphony Orchestra under Jukka-Pekka Saraste and, at the end of the year, he will be recording chamber music by Prokofiev, Britten and Shostakovich with Francesco Piemontesi. He will then have recorded all the works for cello of Prokofiev and Shostakovich in addition to the complete Britten cycle.

Daniel Müller-Schott was born in Munich in November 1976. He studied under Walter Nothas, Heinrich Schiff and Steven Isserlis and benefited early on from personal sponsorship by Anne-Sophie Mutter as the holder of a scholarship from her foundation. Through this support, Daniel Müller-Schott was taught privately by Mstislav Rostropovich for a year. In 1992, at the age of fifteen, he first caused a sensation internationally by winning the 1st Prize at the Moscow International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians.

Daniel Müller-Schott plays the “Ex Shapiro” Matteo Goffriller cello, made in Venice in 1727.
