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1985 年出生於俄羅斯的伊貝拉吉莫娃,在 1995 年全家搬到英國之前,就讀於莫斯科格涅辛音樂院(Moscow Gnessin School),在英國則就讀於曼紐因音樂院(Yehudi Menuhin School) 和皇家音樂學院(Royal College of Music),也曾是克羅貝爾格學會大師班(Kronberg Academy Masters programme) 的一員。伊貝拉吉莫娃曾師從於波雅斯吉(Natasha Boyarsky)、尼柯利奇(Gordan Nikolitch)和特茲拉夫(Christian Tetzlaff) 等人。1998 年 12 月,伊貝拉吉莫娃在巴黎的聯合國世界人權宣言 50 週年大會上演出巴哈雙小提琴協奏曲,指揮即為大師曼紐因。曼紐因於三個月後過世,葬禮於西敏寺舉行,伊貝拉吉莫娃在大師的葬禮上演出同一首協奏曲的慢板樂章,紀念大師。

伊貝拉吉莫娃演奏的音樂遍及巴洛克至當代的委託創作,拉奏現代與古樂器,合作演出的樂團包含倫敦交響樂團、布萊梅德意志室內愛樂管弦樂團、斯圖嘉特廣播交響樂團、哈雷交響樂團、西雅圖交響樂團、慕尼黑室內樂團、啟蒙時代管弦樂團、柏林音樂廳管弦樂團、杜魯斯首都管弦樂團、愛樂管弦樂團;指揮則有馬克拉斯、葛濟夫、賈第納、艾爾達(Sir Mark Elder)、賈維(Paavo Järvi)、尤洛夫斯基、布爾戈斯、赫瑞維格、希考克斯(Richard Hickox)、凡斯卡(Osmo Vänskä)、涅傑瑟貢(Yannick Nézet-Séguin)、索吉耶夫(Tugan Sokhiev)、賈德納(Edward Gardner) 和諾塞達(Gianandrea Noseda)。 同時身兼獨奏者和指揮,伊貝拉吉莫娃曾和波羅的海室內樂團、布列頓小交響樂團、古樂學會(Academy of Ancient Music)和澳洲室內管弦樂團巡迴演出。

伊貝拉吉莫娃和固定合作演出的搭檔塞德里克.提貝岡在威格摩爾音樂廳、阿姆斯特丹大會堂音樂廳、莫札特協會、維也納金色音樂廳、卡內基音樂廳、里爾美術館、溫哥華演奏協會,參與的音樂節包含薩爾茲堡音樂節、韋爾比亞、德國耶那音樂節(MDR Musiksommer)、曼徹斯特國際音樂節、洛肯豪斯音樂節和奧爾德堡等,做獨奏或室內樂的演出。

伊貝拉吉莫娃得過包含2010年的皇家愛樂協會青年藝術家獎(Royal Philharmonic Society Young Artist Award)、BB信託獎(Borletti-Buitoni Trust)和全英古典音樂獎(Classical BRIT),也是 BBC 新生代藝術家計畫(BBC New Generation Artists Scheme) 2005 至 2007 年的成員。她也為 Hyperion 唱片公司錄音,並使用由歐寶(Georg von Opel)所提供的 1775 年代的安瑟羅.貝洛契歐(Anselmo Bellosio)小提琴演出。

The Times has written that Alina Ibragimova performs with “a mixture of total abandonment and total control that is in no way contradictory” and that she is “destined to be a force in the classical music firmament for decades to come”.

Performing music from baroque to new commissions on both modern and period instruments, Alina Ibragimova has appeared with orchestras including the London Symphony Orchestra, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, Stuttgart Radio Symphony, Hallé, Seattle Symphony, Munich Chamber, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Konzerthausorchester Berlin, Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse, Philharmonia, and all the BBC orchestras. Conductors with whom Alina has worked include Sir Charles Mackerras, Valery Gergiev, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Sir Mark Elder, Paavo Järvi, Vladimir Jurowski, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Philippe Herreweghe, Richard Hickox, Osmo Vänskä, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Tugan Sokhiev, Edward Gardner and Gianandrea Noseda.

As soloist/director Alina has toured with the Kremerata Baltica, Britten Sinfonia, Academy of Ancient Music, and the Australian Chamber Orchestra.

With regular recital partner Cédric Tiberghien and in solo and chamber music Alina has appeared at venues including the Wigmore Hall, Concertgebouw, Mozarteum, Musikverein, Carnegie Hall, Palais des Beaux Arts, Vancouver Recital Series, and at festivals including Salzburg, Verbier, MDR Musiksommer, Manchester International, Lockenhaus and Aldeburgh.

Born in Russia in 1985 Alina studied at the Moscow Gnesin School before moving with her family to the UK in 1995 where she studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School and Royal College of Music, and was a member of the Kronberg Academy Masters programme. Alina's teachers have included Natasha Boyarsky, Gordan Nikolitch and Christian Tetzlaff.

Alina has been the recipient of awards including the Royal Philharmonic Society Young Artist Award 2010, Borletti-Buitoni Trust and a Classical BRIT, and was a member of the BBC New Generation Artists Scheme 2005-7. Alina records for Hyperion Records and performs on a c.1775 Anselmo Bellosio violin kindly provided by Georg von Opel.

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