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孟克梅耶目前是 Sony Classics 的專屬演奏家,在簽約後短短兩年間就發行了五張專輯,且屢屢獲得各大唱片獎項與樂評的高度讚賞,也都是德國古典音樂類唱片排行榜上的常勝軍。在 Sony Classics 迄今發行的八張專輯中,孟克梅耶不只首演了他發掘的18世紀樂譜手稿,同時也演奏了現代的作品,追溯了中提琴發展史上的每一個重要里程碑。

孟克梅耶的演奏生涯萌芽於他師事慕尼黑音樂戲劇高等學校 Harolf Schlichtig 教授的時期。在求學的階段,孟克梅耶就已頻頻在各大賽中掄元:2006 年,他榮獲莫斯科巴許米特國際中提琴大賽首獎,同年更進一步地獲得德國音樂大賽的桂冠;2009 年,孟克梅耶與鋼琴家 Nicholas Rimmer 組成二重奏,獲得室內樂類的大獎──倫敦「Parkhause Award」。接下來兩年,孟克梅耶先後任教於德勒斯登的卡爾・馬利亞・馮・韋伯高等音樂學校,以及馬德里的索菲亞皇后高等音樂院。2011 年,孟克梅耶受母校慕尼黑音樂戲劇高等學院延攬為教授,執教至今;他目前也是梅克倫堡音樂節、盧森堡 Echternach International Festival,以及海德堡愛樂的駐團藝術家。

孟克梅耶近期的演奏計畫包括與科隆廣播交響樂團(WDR Radio Orchestra)、柏林廣播交響樂團、斯圖加特廣播交響樂團、維也納廣播交響樂團、德勒斯登愛樂、布萊梅愛樂、紐倫堡愛樂、斯圖加特愛樂、波茲坦室內樂集、伯恩交響樂團、俄羅斯國家交響樂團,以及巴許米特領導的莫斯科獨奏家等合作。孟克梅耶多年來經常合作的指揮家則包括 Michail Jurowski、古樂派指揮 Reinhard Goebel、麥克・桑德林(Michael Sanderling)、Cornelius Meister,以及這幾年剛過世的大師 Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos 與霍格伍德(Christopher Hogwood)。

孟克梅耶頻繁登台於國際各大音樂節與演奏廳,其中包括了倫敦的威格摩爾廳、柏林愛樂廳、漢堡音樂廳、維也納音樂之友協會演奏廳、以及包括慕尼黑、德勒斯登、巴登巴登、杜賽朵夫、斯圖加特、布萊梅等地的重要音樂廳。孟克梅耶亦參與過德國萊茵區音樂節(Rheingau Musik Festival)、小提琴家基頓・克萊曼主辦的室內音樂節、海德堡之春、梅克倫堡音樂節,以及符茲堡的莫札特音樂節。2015 年,孟克梅耶也再度擔任中歐音樂節(Festival Mitte Europa)的駐點音樂家。

在 2015/16 樂季,孟克梅耶將與包括蘇黎世音樂廳交響樂團、赫爾辛基愛樂、羅浮宮音樂家合奏團(Les Musiciens Du Louvre)、萊比錫廣播交響樂團、漢諾瓦北德廣播愛樂、威瑪國家管弦樂團、漢堡愛樂、杜塞朵夫交響樂團,以及柏林巴洛克獨奏家等樂團合作。孟克梅耶也將持續室內樂演奏,以各種組合登台──包括與單簧管名家莎賓.梅耶以及鋼琴家尹威廉(William Youn)組成三重奏、與茱莉亞・費雪弦樂四重奏、與鋼琴家尹威廉的二重奏──並且持續進行他推廣西班牙巴洛克音樂的「Barroco Español」計畫。在接下來的這幾年內,孟克梅耶將身兼獨奏家與室內樂合奏家的方式,和以上組合登台於格施塔德(Gstaad)當地的曼紐因音樂節、薩爾茲堡的莫札特音樂節(Mozartwoche Salzburg)、霍恩埃姆斯的舒伯特音樂節(Schubertiade Hohenems)、海德堡之春、基辛根夏日音樂節(Kissinger Sommer)、斯圖加特音樂節、奧迪夏季音樂會、德國 Schleswig-Holstein 音樂節等,更將巡演推展至台灣、韓國、比利時、荷蘭、盧森堡等地,並登台於布萊梅音樂廳、哥特堡音樂廳、阿姆斯特丹大會堂,以及柏林愛樂。

孟克梅耶經常合作的室內樂搭檔包括了德國小提琴家茱莉亞・費雪(Julia Fischer)、鋼琴家Nicholas Rimmer、尹威廉(William Youn),以及指揮家兼小提琴家 Christoph Poppen。

孟克梅耶目前使用慕尼黑著名提琴製造家 Peter Erben 所製的手工中提琴。

Still in the early stages of a brilliant career, Nils Mönkemeyer has again and again showcased his artistic brilliance and innovative programming, talent that has brought him international acclaim while igniting an enthusiastic and growing interest in his signature instrument, the viola.

Under exclusive contract with Sony Classical, Mönkemeyer has released five CDs in the past two years, garnering both critical praise and prestigious awards. All of his recordings have risen to the top echelons of the German classical music charts. Mönkemeyer has attempted to trace the milestones of the viola in these albums, from his discovery and premier recordings of original 18th century manuscripts, through to modern pieces and his own transcriptions.

Mönkemeyer’s concert career took off at an early stage, during his student days under the tutelage of Harolf Schlichtig at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich. During that time, he received a number of awards including first prize at the 2006 International Yuri Bashmet Viola Competition in Moscow, as well as the top prize at the German Music Competition in the same year. In 2009 he claimed the renowned Parkhause Award in London, along with Nicholas Rimmer. Going full circle, Mönkemeyer has recently accepted a professorship at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich.

This follows two years as professor at Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden and a stint as assistant professor at the Escuela Superior de Musica Reina Sofia Madrid.

The artist’s concert projects include collaboration with the WDR Radio Orchestra, the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Dresden Philharmonic, the Bremen Philharmonic, the Nuremberg Philharmonic, the Stuttgart Philharmonic, the Potsdam Chamber Academy, the Berne Symphony Orchestra, the Russian National Orchestra and the Moscow Soloists under the direction of Yuri Bashmet. Mönkemeyer works regularly with directors Michail Jurowski, Reinhard Goebel, Michael Sanderling Cornelius Meister, Rafael Fruebeck de Burgos and Christopher Hogwood to name a few.

Mönkemeyer is a regular guest at international festivals and concert halls, including London’s Wigmore Hall, the Berlin Philharmonic, the Hamburg Music Hall, the Konzertverein in Vienna as well as concert stages in Munich, Dresden, Baden-Baden, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, and Bremen. He has appeared in such festivals as the Rheingau Music Festival, Gidon Kremer’s Chamber Music Festival, Lower Saxony’s Music Days, the Heidelberg Spring, the Mecklenberg Vorpommern Festival and the Mozart Festival in Wuerzburg. He will be appearing for the second time as an Artist in Residence at the Festival Mitte Europa.

The artist’s regular chamber music partners include Julia Fischer, Nicholas Rimmer, William Youn and Christoph Poppen. Mönkemeyer’s instrument was produced in the Munich workshop of renowned violin maker Peter Erben.
