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蘇勒斯 1992 年出生在法國的里昂,父親是法國人,母親是秘魯人。三歲時他展現對音樂的興趣,開始跟著媽媽學琴,之後進入國立巴黎音樂學院,師從法西納(Jean Fassina)、巴比爾(Thierry Barbier)、戈登(Olivier Gardon)。十歲時,蘇勒斯首度上台,演出貝多芬的第一號鋼琴協奏曲。蘇勒斯的曲目涉獵甚廣,從巴哈和史卡拉第,到德布西與梅湘。他在 2003 年獲得皮卡第歐洲音樂大賽的首獎,以及梅森拉菲特獎(Maison Laffitte),2005 年拿到鋼琴與室內樂演奏文憑,從國立巴黎音樂學院畢業。之後蘇勒斯進入柯隆音樂與舞蹈高等學院,向艾馬德(Pierre-Laurent Aimard)與史黛芬諾維奇(Tamara Stefanovich)學習。2006-2009 年間他同時也向拉蘿佳學習,學會了阿爾班尼士的整套《伊貝利亞》,此外,他也向潘納提耶(Jean-Claude Pennetier)、卡普林斯基(Yoheved Kaplinsky)、富萊雪以及巴許基洛夫等人上大師班。2006 年,蘇勒斯獲得聖尚德路斯(Saint-Jean de Luz)拉威爾學院的拉威爾獎。

蘇勒斯與巴黎的室內樂團與聖馬洛室內樂團合作演出,在葡萄牙、柯隆、洛杉磯、巴黎、波昂等地參與音樂節。2008-2012 年間,他在德國的魯爾音樂節舉行音樂會。2012 年,蘇勒斯在第 67 屆日內瓦國際大賽中同時拿下首獎、寶璣特殊大奬「寶璣之愛」、觀眾票選獎、年輕聽眾的特別獎,以及法國航空 KLM 大獎。

Born in Lyon in 1992, Lorenzo Soulès studied piano from the age of three. He joined the Saint-Malo Conservatory at five years old and subsequently, in 2001, the Paris CNR Conservatoire Supérieur where in 2005 he obtained a Diploma in Music Studies with distinction in Piano, Musical Training, Musical Analysis and Chamber Music. In 2005, he continued his musical training at the Cologne Hochschule für Musik und Tanz (Germany) with Pierre-Laurent Aimard and Tamara Stefanovich. Between 2006 and 2009, Lorenzo took lessons with Alicia de Larrocha with whom he worked on the entire Ibéria by Albeniz. He has taken master classes with Jean-Claude Pennetier, Yoheved Kaplinsky, Leon Fleisher and Dmitri Bashkirov, amongst others.

In 2004, he won the Piano Campus Competition in Pontoise. Two years later, he received the Ravel Prize in the context of the Saint-Jean de Luz Ravel Academy and in 2009, the Gen Re Special Prize. He plays with the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, the Saint-Malo Chamber Orchestra, in festivals in Portugal, as well as in Cologne, Los Angeles, Paris, Bonn, Arras, etc. Between 2008 and 2012, he performed in concert at the Ruhr Klavierfestival in Germany. He won First Prize, the special Breguet Coup de Coeur prize, the People’s Choice Award, the special “Young Audience” prize, and the special Air France KLM prize at the 67th Geneva International Music Competition in 2012.
