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義大利鋼琴家巴克斯以破紀錄的 14 歲之齡,以最優秀成績畢業於家鄉巴里(義大利南部第二大城)音樂學院,師事鋼琴家 Angela Montemurro。稍後,巴克斯遠赴法國,求教於鋼琴家席歐里爾(François-Joël Thiollier),而後回到義大利,在西耶納的奇吉亞納音樂學院(Chigiana Academy, Siena)師事西班牙傳奇鋼琴家阿丘卡羅(Joaquin Achucarro)。1994 年,巴克斯跟隨老師阿丘卡羅遷往美國達拉斯的彌朵斯藝術學院(Meadows School of the Arts),並在該校獲得教職。巴克斯是國際各大鋼琴競賽的常勝軍:1997 年,巴克斯以 19 歲之齡贏得濱松國際鋼琴比賽首獎;三年之後,他更在里茲鋼琴大賽一舉掄元。2009 年,巴克斯獲紐約林肯表演藝術中心授予「艾佛瑞.費雪藝術職涯獎助」(Avery Fisher Career Grant)。

巴克斯已經成功建立起他作為一位傑出鋼琴演奏家的名望,屢獲各大音樂節邀約,其中包括倫敦國際鋼琴音樂節(International Piano Series)、瑞士韋爾比亞音樂節、英國的奧爾德堡(Aldeburgh)音樂節、巴斯音樂節,以及德國波昂的貝多芬音樂節、薩爾音樂節(Musikfestspiele Saar)、梅克倫堡地區的年度盛事──盧爾鋼琴音樂節(Ruhr Klavierfestival),以及北美年度最盛大的音樂節「Bravo! Vail」、「Bard Music Festival」、聖塔菲室內音樂節、加州「Music@Menlo」室內音樂節等。在室內樂的領域中,巴克斯經常合作的演奏家包括了鋼琴家艾克斯(Emanuel Ax)、小提琴家約夏・貝爾、大提琴家修兒‧嘉碧妲(Sol Gabetta)、伊瑟利斯、Paul Watkins、中提琴名家今井信子(Nobuko Imai),以及男高音Nicholas Phan、單簧管名家兼作曲家約格・魏德曼等人。

歷年來,巴克斯多次登上包括羅馬、米蘭、馬德里、巴黎、倫敦、特拉維夫、首爾、香港、紐約、華盛頓,以及墨西哥市等地的各大音樂廳舉行獨奏會。各大國際媒體皆對其演奏讚譽有加:英國《獨立報》(The Independent)讚為「真正的音樂演奏,邀請聽眾一同進入他在舞台上一手創建出的獨特世界。」《每日電訊報》(The Daily Telegraph)則稱讚巴克斯的演奏會「成功地結合詮釋的權威性與詩意」;《留聲機雜誌》讚美巴克斯的演奏不但具備抒情的風格、技巧精湛、詮釋更富有獨特洞見,「創造出令人迷醉的聆聽經驗」,《達拉斯晨報》讚賞其演奏會猶如一次「靈魂出竅般的體驗」。

巴克斯與世界各大著名管弦樂團的合作不計其數,受知名樂評雜誌《International Piano》稱讚為「一位具有深度、令人耳目一新的鋼琴家」。巴克斯手中豐富的協奏曲曲目,讓他受到橫跨老中青三代的指揮家邀約,其中包括了阿胥肯納吉、賽門・拉圖爵士、馬琳・艾索普、梵志登(Jaap van Zweden)、羅馬尼亞裔指揮家Sergiu Comissiona、英國指揮家安德魯・利頓(Andrew Litton)、喬納森・諾特(Jonathan Nott)、Vernon Handley、Alexander Shelley、以及芬蘭年輕新秀 Pietari Inkinen、Hannu Lintu、俄裔指揮家佩特連科(Vasily Petrenko)、老大師泰米卡諾夫、小林研一郎等人。合作過的對象包括了英國的倫敦愛樂以及皇家愛樂、皇家利物浦交響樂團、皇家蘇格蘭國家交響樂團、達拉斯交響樂團、休士頓交響樂團、日本NHK交響樂團、東京交響樂團、新日本愛樂交響樂團、讀賣日本交響樂團、匈牙利交響樂團、由音樂總監泰密卡諾夫親自指揮的聖彼得堡愛樂,以及拉圖指揮的伯明罕市立交響樂團等。

巴克斯錄製的唱片散見於各大古典音樂廠牌,其中他在華納古典錄下的「Baroque Reflections」,甫推出即獲得國際各大樂評的絕佳好評,並獲選為當月《留聲機雜誌》「編輯嚴選」,以及《Classical FM》雜誌的「最抵買專輯」。2003 年,巴克斯則與妻子 Lucille Chung 為義大利廠牌 Dynamic 錄下了李格第(György Ligeti)的雙鋼琴作品。夫妻檔稍後則與指揮家 Miguel Hart-Bedoya 合作,在沃斯堡交響樂團伴奏下錄製了聖桑的《動物狂歡節》。2005 年 1 月,巴克斯特別受巴倫波因欽點,在紀錄片《巴倫波因談貝多芬》中演奏貝多芬第 29 號鋼琴奏鳴曲《漢瑪克拉維》中最為艱難的賦格,這次錄影演出由 EMI 在 2006 年發行 DVD。巴克斯也在 Fontec 留下了兩次現場錄音,分別是濱松國際鋼琴比賽獲得首獎的實況(貝多芬第三號鋼琴協奏曲),以及稍後與新日本愛樂合作的布拉姆斯第一號鋼琴協奏曲。另外,Naxos 的「管風琴百科」計畫發行中,也可見巴克斯與管風琴家 Stefan Engels 錄製杜普勒(Marcel Dupre)鋼琴與管風琴二重奏。

巴克斯目前為 Signum Classics 旗下鋼琴家,錄製了包括貝多芬《漢瑪克拉維》、《月光》奏鳴曲(本專輯亦獲選為《留聲機雜誌》當月「編輯嚴選」),以及與妻子合奏史特拉汶斯基本人改編的《彼得洛希卡》四手聯彈版本、布拉姆斯、以及皮耶佐拉等雙鋼琴曲目;巴克斯也錄下了莫札特的兩首鋼琴協奏曲(K. 491 與 K. 595),由 Simon Over 指揮倫敦南岸小交響樂團。另外,Signum Classics 為巴克斯發行的幾張獨奏專輯,也是唱片大獎的常勝軍:「Alessio Bax Plays Brahms」再度獲得《留聲機雜誌》當月「編輯嚴選」,而「Rachmaninov Preludes & Melodies」則獲選為《美國唱片指南》2011 年樂評嚴選專輯之一。2015 年 9 月,巴克斯在 Signum Classics 發行最新專輯,收錄史克里亞賓的第三號鋼琴奏鳴曲與其他短曲,以及穆索斯基的戰馬級曲目《展覽會之畫》,以及管弦樂曲《荒山之夜》的鋼琴改編版。

2015 年夏天,巴克斯如旋風般地參加了14場音樂節,橫跨歐、美、亞三大陸,其中包括與明尼蘇達管弦樂團的初次合作(由安德魯・利頓指揮)、與達拉斯交響樂團(由梵志登指揮)重返「Bravo! Vail」音樂節。在 2015/16 樂季,巴克斯為科羅拉多交響樂團擔任樂季開幕演奏會的獨奏家重任,緊接著將在南美洲展開一連串巡演,包括在布宜諾斯・艾利斯最負盛名的「科隆大劇院」(Teatro Colón)演出。在這個樂季中,巴克斯除了與柏林愛樂首席小提琴家樫本大進在台灣演出一系列的二重奏音樂會之外,也將於明年與小提琴家約夏・貝爾再度回到亞洲巡演。


Pianist Alessio Bax creates “a ravishing listening experience” with his lyrical playing, insightful interpretations, and dazzling facility. “His playing quivers with an almost hypnotic intensity,” says Gramophone magazine, leading to what Dallas Morning News calls “an out-of-body experience.”First Prize winner at the Leeds and Hamamatsu international piano competitions—and a 2009 Avery Fisher Career Grant recipient—he has appeared as soloist with over 100 orchestras, including the London and Royal Philharmonic orchestras, the Dallas and Houston symphonies, the NHK Symphony in Japan, the St. Petersburg Philharmonic with Yuri Temirkanov, and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra with Sir Simon Rattle.

After a whirlwind summer playing fourteen festivals on three continents, including his Minnesota Orchestra debut under Andrew Litton and return to Bravo! Vail with the Dallas Symphony led by Jaap van Zweden, Bax opens the Colorado Symphony’s 2015-16 season, and launches a South American recital tour, crowned by three concerts at the famed Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires. With violinist Joshua Bell, he embarks on a tour of Asia, collaborates for the first time with the Emerson String Quartet, plays four-hand piano concerts with Lucille Chung in Canada, and returns to the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center for engagements in New York and on tour. Among his solo recitals, Bax performs in the Cliburn Concerts series in Ft. Worth. September brings the release of his next solo album for Signum Classics, featuring music by Mussorgsky and Scriabin.

Highlights of recent seasons include Beethoven and Rachmaninov in a UK tour with the Royal Philharmonic, Rachmaninov and Mozart with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic under Temirkanov, Barber with the Dallas Symphony under Jaap van Zweden, Mozart with the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra under Hans Graf, Rachmaninov with London’s Southbank Sinfonia led by Vladimir Ashkenazy, and Mozart with the same orchestra under Simon Over, as well as concerts at London’s Wigmore Hall, L.A.’s Disney Hall, Washington’s Kennedy Center, and New York’s Carnegie Hall. He opened – with a pair of Mozart piano concertos – and closed the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center’s 2014-15 season. Besides giving solo recitals at the Lincoln Center and in Atlanta, Baltimore, Dallas, Minneapolis, Bilbao, and Tokyo, Bax partnered with Joshua Bell for over thirty concerts in Europe and North and South America, and with Lucille Chung in the U.S., Canada, France, and Hong Kong.In 2013, he received the Andrew Wolf Chamber Music Award and Lincoln Center’s Martin E. Segal Award, which recognizes young artists of exceptional accomplishment.

Bax’s celebrated discography for Signum Classics includes Beethoven’s “Hammerklavier” and “Moonlight” Sonatas (Gramophone “Editor’s Choice”); Bax & Chung, a duo disc with Lucille Chung, presenting Stravinsky’s original four-hand version of the ballet Pétrouchka as well as music by Brahms and Piazzolla; Alessio Bax plays Mozart, comprising Piano Concertos K. 491 and K. 595 with London’s Southbank Sinfonia led by Simon Over; Alessio Bax plays Brahms (Gramophone “Critic’s Choice”); Rachmaninov: Preludes and Melodies (American Record Guide “Critics’ Choice 2011”); and Bach Transcribed; and for Warner Classics, Baroque Reflections (Gramophone “Editor’s Choice”). He performed Beethoven’s “Hammerklavier” Sonata for maestro Daniel Barenboim in the PBS-TV documentary Barenboim on Beethoven: Masterclass, available as a DVD box set on the EMI label. His performances have been broadcast live on the BBC (UK); CBC (Canada); RAI (Italy); RTVE (Spain); NHK (Japan); WDR, NDR, and Bayerischer Rundfunk (Germany); American Public Media’s “Performance Today”; WQXR (New York); WGBH (Boston); WETA (Washington, DC); and Sirius-XM satellite radio, among many others.

Hailed by International Piano as “a pianist of refreshing depth,” Bax’s extensive concerto repertoire has led to performances with such esteemed conductors as Vladimir Ashkenazy, Marin Alsop, Sergiu Commisiona, Vernon Handley, Pietari Inkinen, Hannu Lintu, Andrew Litton, Jonathan Nott, Vasily Petrenko, Sir Simon Rattle, Alexander Shelley, Yuri Temirkanov, and Jaap van Zweden. His international festival appearances include London’s International Piano Series (Queen Elizabeth Hall); the Verbier Festival in Switzerland; England’s Aldeburgh and Bath festivals; and the Ruhr Klavier-Festival and Beethovenfest Bonn in Germany. He has also appeared multiple times at such U.S. festivals as Bravo! Vail, Bard Music Festival, Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, and Music@Menlo, and has given recitals in major music halls around the world, including in Rome, Milan, Madrid, Mexico City, Paris, London, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, New York, and Washington, DC. An accomplished chamber musician, Bax has collaborated with Emanuel Ax, Joshua Bell, Sol Gabetta, Steven Isserlis, Nicholas Phan, Paul Watkins, and Jörg Widmann, among others.

Alessio Bax graduated with top honors at the record age of 14 from the conservatory of his hometown in Bari, Italy, where his teacher was Angela Montemurro. He studied in France with Francois-Joël Thiollier and attended the Chigiana Academy in Siena under Joaquín Achúcarro. In 1994 he moved to Dallas to continue his studies with Achúcarro at SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts, and he is now on the teaching faculty there. A Steinway artist, Bax resides in New York City with his wife, pianist Lucille Chung, and their daughter.
